14 - champagne showers

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The morning after, the first day I had to be back on the paddock but with a hangover and a head full of what had happened and didn't happen with Charles. Willow immediately noticed that something was off and pulled it out of me.  I told her that the alcohol made not think about the consequences and I'd not be pursuing the Monagesque driver. Willow had groaned, something about that I was no fun like this, but then eventually told me with the biggest grin on her hungover face that she had a little moment with Daniel Ricciardo, the third driver of Red Bull and it was my turn to let my jaw drop in shock. The night had been a slight blur after I had returned inside with Charles as my head was spinning from the alcohol and the intimacy, but we had danced together for a while - I made him and he didn't refuse and for multiple songs, our bodies danced closely to each other -, I had found Olivia after a while, with Lewis, who had apologized and we had sung on stage again - she wanted to -, but I had forgotten that Willow was nowhere to be seen. She had gotten herself a nice private spot with Daniel, where the pair had shared drunken kisses before meeting up with me again to go home. I hadn't noticed, probably to confused, intoxicated and focused on different things than where Willow had ran off to. They had shared numbers and now I could also tease her.

 "It was just one kiss, it literally means nothing. He's just another hot Aussie to put on my kiss-list. What you did with Charles was way more intense and you didn't even kiss him!" She grinned, but I knew she did like him a bit more than that, especially when she turned the attention back on me. I could see it, but I let it slide, knowing that I'd get the teasing back just as hard. I was going to keep an eye on how much they were gonna text.

Somehow I made it through the weekend with the whole tension with Charles from Wednesday and Willow and Olivia teasing me relentlessly. Some stolen glances throughout the weekend from other sides of the paddock, small waves when we passed each other, cheeky smiles, giggles and pink cheeks when nobody looked and many, many cute text messages, which had really turned up a step on the flirting scale. According to Willow and Olivia, I was acting like a love-sick high schooler when I received a message or when he was around. Olivia had heard from Pierre that Charles wasn't any better. I had rolled my eyes at her, she had formed some sort of alliance with the Frenchman and I didn't know if I liked that and I didn't know if I trusted that.

The weekend in Melbourne had ended on a high for Mercedes, with Lewis Hamilton finally back on the podium with a P2 finish. We celebrated, hard. Lewis made sure that I got my first champagne shower as both Mick and Toto held me by my arms so that I couldn't run away. I screamed laughing. The many pictures of the moment that circulated the internet were all just horrible and adorable at the same time, I was mostly screaming in them from the cold champagne shower. Olivia even put one of them on our social media. It said: The first champagne of many more to come for our lovely Teddy Wolff to enjoy. 

In the evening we got drunk with the team and the Aston Martin Team, who also had an amazing result. I ended up chatting the whole evening with the great Fernando Alonso and he ended up teaching me some stuff about whiskeys as we drank them. We had the same sense of sarcastic humor, so we kept each other company throughout the night with our whiskeys, weird stories and humor. And again, somewhere the internet had picked up on it, now I was suddenly dating Fernando Alonso as we were spotted just laughing with our whiskeys at the after-party. Toto really wasn't happy that this had happened again, but knew that it was just the media being the media when a man and a woman were spotted having fun. He had also given his grumpy reaction to the media where he said - in his own carefully chosen words - that they should leave me alone and not pull every move I make out of context, because I am just living my life, meeting people and they should back off. Of course, people seemed to have an opinion about the new rumor for a couple of days - mostly about how Nando was too old for me and I had to agree as he was closer in age to Toto than to me, but he was an attractive guy and actually really funny, they could've paired me with a much horrible person to be honest.

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