08 - charles and the coffee date

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It was 7:30 when I woke up in a very empty bed by my alarm. I was a little groggy and confused at first as I tried to find my phone and glasses. I must have fallen asleep last night and slept very deeply. I suddenly realized that Mick must have left very quietly because he wasn't there anymore. I fell back down onto my pillow with a smile. For the first time this week, I felt rested. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and saw that I had many missed messages. The top one was from Mick.

Good morning sleepy head! 

Or it least I hope it is morning when you read this...

I really enjoyed our movie night together and thought you needed the night's rest, so I didn't want to wake you to tell you that I was leaving, so sleep well Teddy! We should do this more often, I like spending time with you. See you tomorrow at quali!

I smiled at the messages, he was really sweet and I did have a great night as well. There was just a comfortable atmosphere. Maybe it was because we both understood the downsides of being the son and daughter of someone famous without having to talk about the issue, we could just be us. It was something I did really need in my life, now that everyone wanted to know anything about me. I wasn't ready to share my life to the world, maybe I'd never be. I first had to tell Toto about what actually happened in my youth, and I wasn't ready for that either, it wasn't pretty. Mick had experienced this kind of attention all his life and had grown-up with it, I don't know if that was a positive thing. I was just glad to have him around, he is such a sweetheart.

I had a great night as well, thanks Mick! I slept like a baby until now, jet lag is gone! We should do this again soon. Lot of marvel movies to go!:)

I scrolled through some of the messages from group chats I was in, reacted on a few important messages and I decided that I needed a shower before I'd go to get some breakfast on the go and coffee with Charles from Ferrari. I smiled at the idea of seeing him again. I quickly showered before getting dressed in my loose dark dress pants, dr. Martens boots and a black Mercedes shirt that was a bit oversized on me as it was quite warm outside. I put on all my jewelry and hopped downstairs. Even though I was going to get coffee with Charles later, I still needed one to really start the day and truly wake up. It was a force of habit, which if I didn't do, I'd get a headache as I might be addicted to caffeine.

Our coffee date still on? ;)

Charles had messaged me in the meantime and I couldn't help but giggle the moment I read it. My friends were all convinced that he was flirting with me. He might be. Wait, does he really consider this a date or is he just messing around? Probably messing around.

Of course! I wouldn't dare to stand you up

Good, can't wait to see you!

This man made me giggle like a little schoolgirl and that was just annoying. There was something about him, something special and I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the fact that he's from Monaco because that just sounds like the most luxurious and amazing place in the world compared to little old rainy England. Anything sounded better than England.

In the breakfast area, I got myself a big black coffee and found some plant-based blueberry yogurt that I put in a to-go cup with some cereal and a banana to eat in the car or at work. When I had gathered everything I wanted,  I was on my way out when I ran into my father, the big boss, who was just walking into the breakfast area with the lovely Susie. She was just like a ray of sun, always.

"Hey Teddy!" He spoke, with a little bit of a croaky morning voice and he grinned. "Where are you off to? We don't have to be at the track for another 1,5 hours, I thought."

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