12 - karaoke time

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We got changed, I put on some basic, blue jeans and a fun black and white blouse and did some very light make-up to look a little bit more alive. I didn't get an espresso but grabbed a Monster Energy to wake me up, and we managed to get a cab in time to go to the karaoke bar that Willow had been dying to go to all week. Mick had let me know that quite some drivers and others loved the idea of going to this karaoke bar, he had convinced George and Lewis to join as well as they both had gotten over their jet lag just today. Mick also convinced his good friends Lance and Esteban. Willow and I were greeted by the group of five when we walked in. I introduced Willow to everyone there, and she immediately mingled with the group. I chuckled as Willow skipped towards the bar to get the first of many cocktails of the night. I had warned her that I had to get up early tomorrow morning so that I couldn't get too wasted. Not that something like that would stop her. I knew her too well, but I could always try and most likely fail.

The bar was absolutely lovely, it was decorated with a lot of retro decorations. There was a whole dance floor, but also some nice cozy seating areas and a small stage to perform songs onto. There even was a small rooftop bar and seating outside.

 "Good to see you again Teddy, you look well!" Lewis complimented with a genuine smile on his lips. He looked so good in his outfit. I smiled widely at him.

"It might be the slight sunburn I have from surfing today that makes me seem more alive instead of a pale zombie." I giggled.

"No, but you are really radiating like sunshine right now. Spending time with Wilow made you less tense and more grounded in a way. Nice to see you becoming more comfortable around here." He added with a smile on his lips and he gave me a quick hug. Lewis was such a lovely soul to be around, he was like a big brother who somehow always knows how to make you feel at ease, give you great advice but still tease you from time to time. Willow walked back with two drinks in her hand and gave me one with a grin on her lips.

 "It's my fave." She only said and I knew this was bad news for me. Willow loved her cocktails with a lot of alcohol, but they always tasted very good. "After this, we are going to do what we came here for: sing our hearts out!" Willow giggled. George joined us and Willow skipped towards Mick, Esteban and Lance. 

 "Hey Teddy." George smiled. He looked a bit tired as he sipped from his drink.

 "Hey George." I smiled back. "Couldn't Carmen come?" He shook his head.

 "Her jet-lag is just like yours was in Jeddah. She wanted to have an easy night and basically pushed me out of our hotel room to go here to have a fun night, so here I am." He chuckled at the memory.

 "I can totally see this happening." I grinned and he nudged me in the side. "Watch out, I almost spilled my drink!"

 "Which you didn't pay for." He grinned again. "But, how are you?" I looked up to him, he was almost as tall as my father, and as I was only wearing my normal dr. Martens boots, I was nowhere near his height. He could use my head as an armrest basically, which he had done before. I shrugged.

 "I'm fine. A few days off work and being with Willow did wonders for me. It also gave me some time to think about the first few weekends and how my life has changed, but now I'm fully charged again and ready for the next weekends to come. I hadn't realized how mentally draining those first weekends were until I had a moment off." I grinned confidently and he chuckled.

 "Good to hear." He spoke and took a sip of his drink. "Glad to see you like this, the whole thing with Charles last GP turned quite nasty online..." I nodded and sighed.

 "Yeah, it did. But something like that was bound to happen sooner or later, I guess. Olivia had said that people are dying to know more about me and with that picture people just started making their own stories." I said and bit softly on the inside of my lip. George nodded sympathetically.

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