05 - the day after

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We had partied until the sun started to rise when we drove back to our hotel. Isa had also given her phone number before she returned to her and Carlos' room and Charles hugged me goodnight in an empty hotel lobby. The hug had lasted a little longer than it should have, but I had the impression that both Charles nor I wanted to let go as our arms around each other felt quite comfortable. It felt like I fitted right into his arms. His warm and strong arms around me made me feel safe and comfortable, but we had to let go. I had to drag a drunk Olivia up to my hotel room, as she couldn't remember her own room number and the key card didn't have a number on it. Charles had offered to help, but I had declined, I'd be fine. We giggled as we almost tripped as we stepped into the elevator to take us to the twelfth floor. Charles had watched us go with a sleepy smile on his lips, he was in another part of the building. I had waved at him before the doors closed and Olivia started muttering about Charles being so hot and then about basically every other driver that had been there, everyone was hot and it wasn't fair or something along those lines. I tried to ignore her and had managed to get her ready to get into my huge bed, taking her make-up off so it wouldn't stain the white sheets and make her drink a big glass of water. My tired and intoxicated mind tried to comprehend what happened all night, all the conversations I had, my moment with Charles on the balcony, Isa who had been such a lovely girl, Pierre's flirting, Mick who tried to dance with me all night long. It had been a long but amazing night. I sighed deeply as I let myself fall into my bed next to Olivia after I had also gotten ready and drank enough water to hydrate myself. The second my head hit my pillow I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up way too early after a late night. My sleeping schedule was horrible with the time difference. Olivia was sound asleep next to me and besides a little headache from dehydration, I was feeling completely fine. I hadn't drunk too much alcohol like some others and I was wondering in what state Olivia would wake up in. Somehow I was wide awake within minutes and when I saw that breakfast was still set downstairs for at least 30 minutes, I decided to go and grab myself something to eat and of course: coffee. If I could wake up this easily after every night out I would never complain again. While drinking from my water bottle to rehydrate myself a bit, I put on my sweatpants as I only had an oversized black t-shirt on with the Mercedes logo, I grabbed my black framed glasses to be able to see and put on my shoes to walk downstairs. Everyone from last night was probably still asleep, as most of them - myself included - only got back less than 5 hours ago. My flight back to England would be at the end of the day, so I could sleep for a few more hours somewhere if I needed to. But the thought of hotel food made me happy, awake, and most importantly: very hungry.

As carefully as I could, I walked around the room, grabbed my stuff and went downstairs without waking Olivia. There were barely any people at the buffet and I happily grabbed myself a big cup of coffee and walked around to get a bowl of some good plant-based yogurt with some granola and banana and blueberries. Before I sat down I also quickly grabbed the last croissant from the basket with a grin.

"Hey Teddy, you up early?" It was Charles, who I had completely not noticed, but it seemed like he had just finished his breakfast. He had noticeable bags under his beautiful eyes due to the lack of sleep and he smiled sheepishly at me. His stubble was a little darker than I remembered. He still looked adorable. I blushed.

"I can say the same about you, why are you up already, we came back like what, 5 hours ago?" I asked him as he sat down at my table with a cup of tea. He shrugged.

"We have an early flight and I woke up from some noise and couldn't sleep anymore so I went to grab some breakfast before we leave. Carlos and Isa are probably still asleep." He answered as he rubbed his face.

"Olivia is also still knocked out in my bed." I giggled at the thought and he raised his eyebrows with a grin on his lips. "I didn't know her room number, so I let her crash in my room. I figured it was the easiest option." I happily took a big sip of my coffee and a little happy moan exited my mouth and it made me blush as I didn't intend on doing that so loud, leaving a very great impression in my sweatpants. Stupid Teddy, embarrassing yourself in front of one of the hottest drivers. Charles' laugh filled my ears and I had to laugh myself as well. "Guess I really needed that."

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