"Wait what Australian girl?" Jeongin turned to the oldest, and so did everyone else.

"Its nothing, shes just a stay." Chan said, clicking on the twitter post for the millionth time

"Channie has a crush on her" Felix teased, smirking wildly

The members cheered and Chan rolled his eyes.

"I do not have a crush on her."

"You've been watching her videos on repeat since a week, get real bro." Jisung said, placing a hand on Chan's shoulder.

"Shut up and eat your dinner" Chan said, getting up, "Im going to do a live."

The members waved him goodbye, as he walked from the dining area at the jyp building, to his own studio.

He rubbed his eyes- a little tired- before putting on his music and switching on the camera.

While stays joined, he quickly put on a beanie, he was excited for this live, because there was something he planned on doing.

He popped into view, smiling and waving to the millions of people watching him.

"Stays~ Hello" He said, and sat down comfortably on his chair, "Hello, hello hello~"


You giggled at his cuteness, since you were already up, you decided to watch the currently live chan's room. You had been busy with school, so it had been a while since you'd watched a chan's room. There was a part of you that was hoping he would mention you again, though maybe it was just wishful thinking.

"I have a few really good songs prepared today, so lets start, shall we?"

You layed back on your bed, relaxing.

"Ok so the first song.. im excited for this" He said, his eyes above the camera, on the big tv in his studio. He looked up the song he wanted to play, and clicked on it.

The familiar melody of 'I wanna be yours' by Arctic Monkeys made you smile.

Chan had the best music taste, you hummed the the beat and were about to sing along when..

"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust"

You gasped, because this wasn't the original song, instead it was the soft voice of a women singing...

It was you.

You widened your eyes, realizing that Chan was playing your cover of 'I wanna be yours' that you had posted a few months ago.

You watched in pure shock as he moved his head side to side, enjoying as your voice rang through his studio. A soft smile was on his lips as he watched the video, in which you were playing guitar and singing.

Once the second verse was done, he paused it and clapped in the tiny version he usually did.

"Wah! Such a beautiful cover" He smiled, "This was the cover of i wanna be yours by Lee Y/N."

Your hand clasped your mouth, muffling your shrieks.

"I actually watched a few of her videos recently, and i really enjoyed them." He giggled, "She's really funny and her covers are really good too" He said, typing something on his laptop.

Your heart skipped a beat, he watched your videos??? It made you excited, but equally nervous.

You thought back on all the videos were you did something embarrassing. You thought back on all the times you had talked about chan, all the things you had said!

Oohh my god, you thought, you were in big trouble if he knew the things you'd said after watching the red lights M/V.

"So.. " Chan laughed out loud, "Uhm i watched a video where she was basically saying how i was the ideal boyfriend. Though i wouldn't agree, I was extremely honoured."

Your cringed, face turning red with embarrassment.

You thought back on the video, trying to remember the things you had said.

"I dont understand why do men, when Bang chan. Honestly, find me a more beautiful man like im literally waiting. This man has literally raised my standards so high its insane, like hes cute, hes caring, not to mention hes so friggin talented its insane and- and", you had waved your hands frantically at the camera, "He's hot. He's just so perfect ugh, i wish he were my boyfriend"

Why had you said all that? Of course, at the time, the idea of chan seeing that was absolutely insane, but now, you were super embarrassed.

He continued his live, and you watched, though in the back of your mind, you were still thinking about the compliments he'd given you..

Once the live was over, you immediately turned to twitter.


@Stray_Kids im so flustered right now 😭😭


"Am i being delusional?" You spoke out to no one in particular, "But didn't bang chan just play my song on his live?"

It was definitely very hard to process, after all you were just a fan and he was your bias, your idol, someone you were only meant to love from afar..

But was this becoming something more?

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