Period help

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David isn't really one to show off his emotions out in the open, he will hold your hand but nothing other than that, but at the cave you have to expect cuddles.

He would get Marko to fetch your favourite food and snacks.

He also will be protecting all the time, watching you and if you feel the slightest pain he will bring you back to the cave.


He is a little baby. He'll bring you all of your favourite things and cuddle up with you.

If you manage to get out of the cage of cuddles he will instantly be behind you, following you and always ask if you are ok.

He will probably also use the "my girlfriend is on her period so I am too" with the boys so he doesn't have to do any errands, but it doesn't work.


He will be by your side. But be prepared for the jokes and comments, and don't get angry at him he will only throw a tantrum and be upset.

His mind automatically goes to sex and he will beg says it's fine and pleads for it, but when you say no he will shut up about it not wanting to upset you.


He is cute, he will cuddle you all night and holding on to you and keeping you safe.

He'll fech you anything you want and basically do anything you want.

Sorry for not updating hope you like it even tho it is short.

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