Marko X Reader X Paul

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This was a regular thing where the two people you love the most was snuggled into you. You was laid between Paul's legs whilst Marko put his head down on your lap.

You three was high obviously but you didn't feel ok and you're two boyfriend's knew that strate away. So they silently agreed with each other.

Marko and Paul both picked you up and flew to the cave, and asking the other two to pick their bikes up though the mind-link.

They placed you down on a bed which had your favourite colour sheets and teddys that both have collected for you. Even tho you usually sleep in the back of the cava, you three claimed this bed as your own.

Once they laid you down, they also got comfortable as well. For the rest of the night and the day they slept holding you in their arms.

When the other got back and had seen you three together they didn't dare to disturb you because of what happened last time, really it was horrible well for them but to you it was amazing until you had to stop Paul and Marko from actually killing them.

Thank you so much for reading this

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