Chapter 49: Welcome To The Family

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Third Person's POV

April 3, 1998

Over the span of three days, both Michael and Whitney prepared to welcome Debbie's children into their home at Neverland Ranch. They had gone to court to file for adoption of both Prince and his unborn brother and sister, and were both granted sole custody of both children as Michael was the only biological parent left to take care of them.

On the second day, they had informed the children about Prince and his new brother or sister joining the family as their new siblings. The couple also prepared another bed to go into MJ's room so he and Prince could share a room as brothers and a separate room for Debbie's second baby as a nursery. Buying many clothes and toys for the two children.

On the third day, they had gotten a call from the Spaulding Pain Medical Clinic telling the couple that it was time for Debbie's second child to be born. Heading down to the medical center, they also agreed to meet Katherine there for the Jackson family matriarch to hand Prince off to them as well as to meet with the CPS agent named Jessica Thomas that dropped Prince off to Katherine to sign the birth certificate and the final documents for the adoption process.

Once they made their way to the medical center, both Michael and Whitney went to the front desk and were told to have a seat as the doctors had just begun the birthing process for Debbie via C-Section. In the meantime, Jessica and the couple started going through the final adoption papers and the birth certificate.

As a few hours have gone by, Jessica said as she pointed to the last page of their official adoption papers,

"Sign here, and initial here."

The couple did as told and Jessica went on to say, "Great! Now once you both sign the new baby's birth certificate, just be sure to send a fax of it to me and I'll take the rest of the adoption papers back to the office, and we'll be good to go!"

Whitney said, "Thank you so much, Jessica."

Michael said, "Yes, we can't thank you enough for helping us through this process."

Jessica responded, "It was my pleasure to do this Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. This poor little boy has been through a lot at the hands of his stepfather and in losing his mother, so I'm glad that someone's stepping up to take care of him and his new sibling."

Michael nodded and said, "Listen, Debbie was a good friend of ours and I know how much her children meant to her. And as her sperm donor and their biological father, Whitney and I are gonna do everything in our power to make sure we raise her children with love and care. Just as she would've wanted to."

Suddenly, the doctor came out into the waiting room holding a clipboard and said,

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson?"

Michael and Whitney stood up from their chairs and came up to the doctor, as he greeted the couple,

"Hello, I'm Dr. Callahan and I'm the doctor for Debbie Rowe and her baby."

Michael asked, "How has the procedure gone, Doctor?"

Whitney asked, "Has the baby been born yet?"

Dr. Callahan answered, "The C-section itself was a success, and Debbie has been able to give birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl."

Happy to hear the gender of their new baby, Michael and Whitney both smiled until the Doctor continued on with some grave news,

"Unfortunately, sometime after the baby was born, Debbie had lost a significant amount of blood. We did all we could to save her, but with how badly in shape she was when she arrived here, she didn't make it."

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