Chapter 22: It's Time

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Third Person's POV

September 8, 1994

6:50 PM

Michael and Whitney have just been admitted into Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, but not without the paparazzi and the press hot on their tails. Although it was a nightmare trying to get to the hospital, the couple was now safe and out of the media's view as they were about ready to welcome their child into the world.

In the meantime, John and Cissy Houston as well as Katherine and Joseph Jackson have finally arrived at the hospital. Making their way over to the front desk, Cissy said to the nurse,

"Excuse us! We're looking for Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson."

Katherine added, "We've been told that they were admitted here."

Before the nurse could answer, they saw Robyn walk into the waiting room. As the four rushed over to her, Cissy asked, 

"Robyn, do where Michael and Whitney are?"

Robyn answered, "They're in room 308."

Cissy said, "Thank you."

And with that, both matriarchs of the Houston and Jackson family raced into the rooms to support Michael and Whitney.

Joseph and John however, decided to take a seat in the waiting room. After a few moments of silence, Joseph said as he pulled a $100 bill out of his wallet,

"A Hundred dollars says the baby's a boy."

Thinking for a moment, John said, "You're on."

Suddenly, the two men heard Cissy shout from across the room,

"John! Get your everlasting butt in here now!"

Katherine shouted, "You too, Joseph!"

Getting up from their chairs, John said, "Well, alright. Are you ready to meet our new grandchild?"

Joseph answered casually as he followed right behind him,

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Whitney's POV

2 hours later

We have been in this hospital room for about two hours now, waiting for me to be fully dilated enough to give birth. Thankfully, I was given an epidural about an hour ago, so I'm not feeling nearly as much pain as I did two hours before. But I know this birth still wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

Giving birth to Bobbi Kristina was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. For that birth, I wasn't able to use an epidural due to going into labor to quickly. And going through the emotions with Bobby made everything all the more painful.  

But with Michael and our parents by my side, I know this time will be different. Now that I was surrounded by the love of my life and my family, I would be able to bring this child into the world as quickly and safely as possible.

There were bodyguards outside of our hospital room to make sure nobody else would get in with the exception of doctors, nurses, and our family and friends.

While Michael was massaging my back, my mother said as she wiped the sweat away from my forehead with a white rag,

"Don't you worry, Baby. It'll all be over before you know it."

I said as I came out of another contraction, 

"Thank you, Mommy."

Katherine said, "Take it from me, Dear. I've been through birth ten times. And if I can get through it, I know you can too."

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