Chapter 48: No More Secrets

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Whitney's POV

I had just finished up my call with Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliot and went to go check on my family, and my beautiful babies told me that their Daddy was in our bedroom on the phone with his mother. So I went to go and check on him.

As I'm heading over to our bedroom, I stop at the bedroom doors to overhear the stressful conversation between Michael and his mother. When listening through the door, first I'm hearing about someone named Debbie, then I'm hearing about secrets that were apparently being kept from me, and now, I'm hearing that Michael doesn't want me thinking that he cheated on me?! What exactly is he trying to imply here?!

Is this the same Debbie that helped treat him for his vitiligo and lupus condition? Did he cheat on me with Debbie? I don't know, but something's seriously wrong here!

As I remained behind the door, I heard Michael say to his mother over the phone,

"I know, mother. And you're right, now that Debbie's life is in Peril, I have to step up as a father and help protect them. Believe me, I will be telling Whitney about this."

Feeling that I've heard enough, I opened the door to our bedroom and stood in the doorway, asking,

"Tell Whitney what?"

Turning to me in alarm, Michael said quietly, "Mother, I'm gonna have to call you back

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Turning to me in alarm, Michael said quietly, "Mother, I'm gonna have to call you back."

And with that, he hung up the phone and turned back to me with a nervous yet guilty look

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And with that, he hung up the phone and turned back to me with a nervous yet guilty look.

Knowing that something was up, I asked,

"Michael, what's going on? And don't you dare lie to me!"

Michael tried to explain, "Whitney, now before you get angry. There's something that I have to tell you."

Too angry to listen, I said, "What are you going to tell me? That you've been sleeping with your dermatologist's nurse behind my back?! And that you somehow got her pregnant? Mike! I overheard your little conversation about Debbie! I want to know; how long have you been seeing her? Hmm? How long have you been seeing Debbie?

Michael tried to say, "Whitney, I promise you that I haven't been seeing Debbie like that!"

I interrupted and snapped,

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