Chapter 119

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˗ˏˋChoosing The Villainess As My Mother ࿐ྂ


Althea Melody (POV)

Time has passed and today... Is a very special event for me and my beloved lady.

I've been spending quality time with my beloved lady for... I don't know how long, but I love staying and being with her, she's so different from how the story described her to be.

And lately... There are suspicious things that are happening around me.

Like how my father in this world would look at my beloved lady Cynthia with such loving eyes.

And how my beloved mother Cynthia looks at my father with such eyes, it's as if... Something lovey-dovey is going on without my knowledge.

Or am I just assuming things?

But I've been observing both of them, father would disappear at night... But maybe he just has something to take care of,

But then when I'm at my beloved lady's villa, she too, would disappear at night while wearing a nightgown, I don't think it's appropriate for someone who is about to sleep and wearing a nightgown will go outside in the middle of the night... Just to meet my father, right?

And yes, I followed them once... With Keilbuss.

My father does go out at night to meet my beloved mother Cynthia near the lake, but both of them would just disappear into thin air, I don't know where they're going but all I know is that...

Something fishy is going on with them or am I just assuming? But their development... Is it just too soon? Or is it for the better?

Well, it doesn't matter, as long as my beloved mother is not hurt, then everything is fine... As long as the people I care for are safe and are not hurt, then everything will be just fine.

Anyway, today's event is very special.

Mother's business in the capital is a success, the tailor that I'm in contact with has been showing success too, and the dresses and suits are the talks of society.

And right now, Mother has invited a lot of nobles to celebrate the success of her business, I'm happy that little by little Mother is building her image and reputation in society once again.

But... Why did she have to invite her?

" Althea," Auriane says while she smiled innocently at me.

( Why did Mother have to invite her? My older sister from the real world.)

" Woah, I can't believe that Lady Auriane is being escorted by the crown prince~, " A lady says and the others just nod their head with a smile on their face while Auriane, my older sister from the real world was just staring at me with a smile on her face.

( What is she planning? )

" Althea, it's good to see you again..." Auriane says with a smile on her face.

" It's good to see you too, Lady Auriane," I said while looking directly at her eyes.

" You see, I've been thinking a lot of things since the last day we talked," Auriane says and I remembered the day I talked to her in the alleyway.

" I've been thinking a lot of things in my head about what must I do, what is the right thing to do, and how I should do it," Auriane says while I just stared at her.

( What is she planning?? )

( Is she planning to ruin the party that my beloved mother prepared for today's event??! )

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