Chapter 25 - The Surface

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˗ˏˋChoosing The Villainess As My Mother ࿐ྂ


Ilarion Bosworth (POV)

" Are you still feeling sick, my lady?" I asked softly, standing beside her bed while she lay there.

" I'm better now, but my throat hurts a bit from throwing up," the young lady replied, looking a bit uncomfortable.

" Did you make yourself throw up, my lady? If so, please don't do it again," I said, worried.

" Thanks for taking care of me, Mr. Bosworth," she said with a grateful smile, appreciating my help.

" And thanks to everyone else too," she added, thanking the others who helped.

" Rest now, my lady. You can play later, but for now, focus on getting better," I said gently, covering her with a blanket as she nodded.

"Oh, what about the guy with the blue hair? Did he go home already, Mr. Bosworth?" the young lady asked, curiosity in her voice as I looked at her.

"Don't worry about him, my lady. If I see him again, even just his shadow, I'll make sure he won't bother you again. I'll break his arm or leg, maybe even his head," I said, trying to reassure her with a smile.

"Mr. Bosworth, you can't do that. He didn't mean any harm," she said, concern about that blue haired young man.

"But, my lady... I can't risk anything happening to you. It's my duty to keep you safe," I insisted.

"But you don't need to hurt someone like that, Mr. Bosworth. He didn't mean any harm; he just wanted to show me how beautiful the surroundings are," she said gently, trying to reason with me.

"Doesn't the lady hate that person?" I asked, puzzled, as she smiled.

"I don't hate anyone without a reason, Mr. Bosworth. But if someone gives me a reason to hate them... I still won't do anything bad to them. I'd just ignore them like they don't exist," she explained, her smile unwavering as I mirrored it.

"Ah, my lady is too kind," I remarked with a smile.

"Huh? No, I'm not kind. It's just that Mr. Bosworth hasn't seen me get angry before," she replied.

"That's true, but I don't plan on making my lady angry at me," I said with a chuckle.

"Oh, I have seen you get angry once, my lady. When the grand duke was here and caused a commotion in the villa, it was quite a sight," I recalled.

"I've never met a young lady quite like you, willing to stand up for someone to protect them. You showed real bravery standing up to grand duke Luk Van with such grace," I remarked.

"Well, I just couldn't bear to see mother getting hurt. I didn't like how his grace would try to hit mother, I didn't want her to be sad or in pain. I promised mother that I would only let her be happy, nothing else," the young lady explained earnestly.

(I've encountered many humans with kind hearts, but I still hold disdain for them.)

(I am not human, nor do I consider myself one.)

(I've long harbored a deep-seated hatred for humankind; their existence spells destruction for me.)

(But this child before me...)

(She's human, yet I find it impossible to hate her, even if I wanted to.)

(I always find myself wavering.)

(I've tried to convince myself to hate this child.)

(But every time she mentions my name or simply looks at me with those bright purple eyes...)

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