Chapter 132

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As Althea and the mighty dragon arrive at the tower where the criminals are hiding, they are immediately greeted by the foul smell of blood as soon as they step inside.

Althea surveys the scene, taking in the sight of numerous severed bodies of the criminals strewn across the floor, their blood staining the ground and casting a dark, eerie atmosphere over the area.

"Hmm, it seems the beast and the others have long since escaped from their cage. They must have fled as soon as they realized they could," Keil observes, scanning the surroundings.

"Let's climb the stairs, Keil. I want to make sure everyone managed to escape," Althea declares, preparing to ascend. But Keil stops her before she can take a step.

"You sure about that, Your Royal Highness?" Keil says, flashing a smile. "It'll take us an hour to get there if we're just going to climb."

"Well? Do you have a better idea to get there fast then?" Althea challenges, but before Keil can respond, they hear a loud bang and a growling sound.

"He's still there. We need to get there, Keil," Althea insists, locking eyes with the dragon.

"Your Royal Highness, must we really be here on our own? I'm quite certain that your father can handle this situation," Keil suggests, his gaze still fixed on Althea.

"And you seem quite calm in this situation, Your Royal Highness," he adds, studying her expression closely.

"My heart is actually beating so fast, but remaining calm even in this situation is important. I do get worried that something bad might happen, but Keil, we need to go there right now," Althea explains, her voice steady despite her racing heart.

"Alright, if you say so, Your Royal Highness," Keil agrees. Without warning, he lifts her up into the air, and they follow the direction of the noise, with Keil carrying Althea in his arms.

They come to a stop at the cell where the white-haired beast man was sealed. Inside, they find blood on the floor and a headless body lying lifeless.

Outside the cell, Althea hears growling and crashing noises. She rushes out, hoping to catch a glimpse of the beast man, but all she sees is a fleeting image of him scaling the walls.

"Your Royal Highness, we should go now. The whole tower will soon collapse," Keil urges, his gaze fixed on Althea.

"It seems that he wants to erase all the evidence inside the tower," Althea observes, and Keil nods in agreement.

"Well, he did try to break all the walls, Your Royal Highness, so it's expected that he'd do that," Keil remarks.

"Can I speak to him? He should be at the top of the tower by now," Althea suggests, turning to Keil, who smiles and nods in response.

As Althea and Keil, the mighty dragon reached the summit of the tower, the white-haired beastman stood on the roof, his eyes burning with a ferocious intent despite his body covered in bruises and blood.

With a firm hold, he held the severed head of one of the criminals, seemingly crushing the last traces of their oppression.

The beastman's body was illuminated by the moon's ethereal glow as he gazed up at the night sky and Althea, standing behind the beast man, she approached cautiously.

"I see that you and your people are free now," Althea says while also looking at the moon.  The beastman then turned to her, his gaze piercing through the darkness.

"You did well, your people are free because of your courage," Althea continued, her words filled with sincerity.

"It is finally over right? Mr. Beast? And now, I think it is the time for healing." Althea says and the beastman's eyes softened slightly as he listened to her words, then he lowered the head of the criminal and he looked at Althea.

"Mr. Beast, what is your name? Can I... at least know your name?" Althea asked t which the beast man nods his head.

"You may call me as Hugo," The beast man says and Althea smiled at him.

"Well Mr. Hugo, I may not have the knowledge to why your people were captured and were hurt, but I do know how badly you want your people to be free from them," Althea says

"They were bad people, you did what you have to do," Althea says while Keil and the beast man Hugo were just listening to her.

"And I can see the pain and anger within you. I may not have the rights to say this but I will still, say it  for you." Althea says

"Mr. Hugo let us not be consumed by vengeance, but instead, let us strive for a future where such cruel or wickedness are but a distant memory." Althea says but the beastman did not said a single word for a second.

He regarded her for a moment, his gaze searching hers for any hint of deceit. Finding none, he nodded slowly, a newfound sense of calm settling over him.

"Thank you, Althea," the beastman spoke, his voice rough yet filled with gratitude. "For freeing us from our chains and showing us that there is still hope in this world."

Althea smiled softly, her heart swelling with warmth at his words. "You and your people are not alone in this journey.  I believe that in the future, there will be a day where all beings can live in peace and freedom."

"I do hope so that day will come one day." Mr. Hugo the beastman says, with a solemn nod, the beastman extended his hand towards Althea.

"Well, isn't this heart warming? Hmm?" Keil says and the beast man then looked at him, then he looked at Althea.

"Hm, I am guessing that you must be a high figure in the nobles society," Mr. Hugo says and Althea raises an eyebrow while staring at him.

"By what means?" Althea asked and Hugo chuckles.

"By seeing that a powerful dragon is on your side," Mr. Hugo says and Keil smiled at him.

"Well, aren't I quite popular?" Keil says with a smile on his face, standing right in front of the beastman with confidence.

"Well, I believe I have heard your stories, you were not just a dragon who have protected the land and sky, but you were also that same dragon who have ruled the east region 200 years ago." Mr. Hugo says and to which Keil proudly clap his hand.

"Well, that is a fact, news spread quite fast huh."  Keil says and the beastman then looked at Althea who was just standing right next to Keil.

"My lady, as a thank you for helping me and my people." Mr. Hugo says, "I shall pledge my loyalty to you, In times of need, I shall stand by your side, ready to lend my strength and protection." he declared.

"W-wait what?! No, I don't nee-" Althea says and Keil then shushed Althea while Mr. Hugo continues.

"You should just accept his pledge your royal highness, making a new ally is good." Keil says with a smile and Althea just sighs.

"I'd be happy if you accept my pledge of loyalty, my lady." Mr. Hugo says while staring right into Althea's eyes.

"Ha. Alright, I accept your oath, Mr. Hugo," Althea replied.

"Together, we shall forge a path towards a brighter tomorrow." Althea says with a smile on her face and to which the beastman smiled back.

As the moon continued to cast its gentle light upon them, Althea and the beastman stood united, their bond sealed by a sacred oath of loyalty and friendship. And amidst the ruins of the tower, a new alliance was born, a new family have been registered.

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