Chapter 63 - Perhaps A New Friend?

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˗ˏˋChoosing The Villainess As My Mother ࿐ྂ


Althea (POV)

"2+2..." she continued to talk in front of me.

(Here we go again...)

"So..." she said, but I couldn't hear anything as I kept staring at the board.

"So, the answer..." she said.

(Should I look for my beloved lady after this lesson?)

(Oh, wait... My beloved lady is getting busier right now. She's really trying her best to climb in society again.)

(And the second prince of this empire will be having a birthday celebration soon.)

(I'm sure the people here are going to be even busier...)

"And that would be..." she says.

(Should I look for Mr. Bosworth?)

(Hmm, he might also be busy right now.)

"Are you listening to me?" She says, and I immediately looked at her.

"H-Huh?? What? What was that again?" I said as she just stared at me.

"What is the answer of 2+2?" She said.

(Piece of cake.)

"Oh...that is so easy, 2+2...  the son of a bitch is 4," I said confidently with a smile, and she just stared at me for two seconds before she speaks.

"No, but your answer is correct," she said.

"Huh, no? Wait, what?" I said as she then smiled.

" It should be 2+2 the sum of which is 4, not the 'son of a bitch is 4." She said

" Regardless of the mistake, your answer was still correct." She says as I smiled.

(Ah... Well, at least I got the correct answer.)

(I thought she was going to teach me some magic. I never thought it would be this kind of lesson.)

(Is this even okay?)

"Uhm... may I ask, please?" I said with a pleading look on my face.

"Yes, ask right away," she says.

"Uhm... Are we not going to do some magic lessons?" I said as she then smiled.

"Do you like magic that much?" She says as I nodded my head.

"Yes! Very, very much!" I said as she nodded her head.

"We'll get to that part later or someday," she says with a wink.

"Oh, I look forward to learning magic with you," I said with a smile as she just stared and showed a little smile on her face.

"Alright, enough chit-chatting. Let's continue our lesson for today," she says as I nod my head.

🦋 - - ✄ - - - - 🦋🦋

After my basic mathematics lesson with my beautiful teacher, I was then allowed to play for a while, taking a break before returning in thirty minutes.

I found myself outside the mansion gate, casually staring across the street at another mansion.

(I wonder who actually lives there... I haven't seen anyone coming in and out from that mansion.)

(Maybe I had seen them before, but hadn't paid attention?)

As I pondered, I noticed a red-headed girl with a bun hairstyle, dressed in a sky blue dress, holding a ginger cat. She seemed about my age (not mentally).

"I should go and befriend her. She looks lonely, and I feel a bit lonely too," I thought to myself as I approached her.

"Hello! Whatcha' doin'?" I greeted with a smile as I talked to her outside their mansion's gate, but she just stared at me.

"Oh... I'm just taking my cat outside for a walk," the red-headed girl replied, showing me her fluffy cat.

(Oh, it's so fat and cute!)

"Is it a girl?" I asked with a smile.

"His name is Finn," she corrected.

"Oh, so it's a boy," I said, nodding.

"May I pet your cat?" I asked, and she nodded, allowing me to reach out to Finn. I felt so satisfied as I stroked his fluffy fur.

"Oh, Finn is so fluffy!" I exclaimed, and she nodded again.

"I feed him six times a day. Finn gets hungry and would get mad if I miss his food o'clock," she explained, making me chuckle.

"That's so cute. Does he scratch you?" I asked.

"No, he just tries to bark at me," she replied, leaving me silent.

"B-Bark?" I said, looking at her in surprised.

"A cat that barks... That's interesting," I remarked, still somewhat surprised.

"Yes, I know he's a cat, but he barks like a dog whenever I miss his feeding time," she explained, holding Finn in her arms.

"Finn grew up surrounded by my uncle's dogs when he was just a kitten, so he thinks he's also a dog," she explained, and I chuckled.

"Now I see why," I said with a smile.

"What were you doing again? And why did you bring your cat outside when it's so hot today?" I asked.

"The weather is indeed hot," she agreed, and I nodded.

"Yeah, so..." I prompted her to continue.

"May I know why your cat is here outside? I mean, you said you wanted to take a walk with your cat," I said.

"Oh, I have another reason for bringing my cat outside with me," she replied.

"May I know what the other reason is?" I asked, as she drew nearer, but there was a big barrier in front of us, so we couldn't get too close.

"Oh, it was because last night, I overheard my dad telling my mom this sentence ' I'm going to eat that pussy once our kid will go to sleep tonight.'" She says while I remained quiet.

(O...Oh my...)

I was just staring at her when I exclaimed, "What??"

"Scary, right? That is why I brought my cat with me today, I was so scared that my dad would eat Finn if I'm not around, I love my cat very much, I'd rather lose everything but not my cat." She continues while I was stunned.

(Girl I—)

"W-What's your name again?" I asked.

"Oh, my name is Avie Ashley Del Rosario, what about you? Hmm?" She responds.

"well, the name is Athea, I lived across your villa." I said and then she turned to look at the villa I was pointing to. 

"Oh, lady Cynthia's villa?" She asked as I nod my head.

 "Oh, I love her silver hair, she's pretty." She said to which I smiled at her.

"Looks like we'll be friends from now on." I said with a grin.

"I look forward to that, but I hope you won't eat my cat like how my dad told my mom that he was going to eat Finn. I was so scared for Finn that night." She replied while I remained quiet.

(Girl, should I be honest with you?)

(Oh lets not, I don't want to ruin her precious mind, too innocent for this world.)

" I'm glad." I said with a smile.

" What? You're glad about what? About my cat being eaten by my dad??? " She said

" No, I'm glad that you brought Finn with you, if you didn't, he would be eaten already. " I said

" Oh, that Is so scary, I hope that won't happen." She says as I just smiled at her...


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