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* ˚ ✦

Aurilena shivered from the cold as she sat in the foyer of the Spring Court Manor. Her nightgown was soaked and her face was as well except for the fact that it was covered in tears instead of water from a stream. There was also blood from her knees and elbows staining her formerly white nightgown.

They were all dead, everyone last one of them. Her father, mother, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, her countless cousins, caretaker, and all of the servants that worked at Sterle Manor. Everyone was gone, leaving her to be the lone survivor of the Sterle family line.

"Aurilena?" Someone called out, snapping her out of her invasive thoughts. "Can you please tell us what happened?" Lucien Vanserra, her dear friend, looked at her worriedly while Tamlin, the recently titled High Lord of the Spring Court, stared at her with skepticism.

"Uh, right..." Aurilena muttered, trying to clear her coarse throat and focus on the task in front of her. "What do you want to know?"

"For starters, how did you ended up like this?" Lucien said with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood, but it quickly died down when Tamlin sent him a glare, a growl accompanying it.

Aurilena stared at the two high borns hesitantly, wondering if perhaps she was making a mistake, before wringing her hands out nervously and trying to speak. "I had thought there was no harm in sneaking out of my chambers to watch the stars in the garden." Aurilena laughed softly, reflecting on how happy she had been in that moment, before her face fell.

"Sorry, I...when I walked back to the house everything thing was..." She tried to tell them what she had seen, but her voice was stuck on the words. It was like she physically could not tell them what had occurred. "I cannot say what exactly happened, but I can tell you that no one who was in the Manor when it happened survived. After that...I saw strange fae watching the Manor and I...ran."

Aurilena did not want to tell either of them about her winnowing, so her 'running' was a sufficient excuse. "While running, I rolled down a cliff and landing in the stream next to the Manor, that is how I ended up like this." Aurilena said, gesturing to her soaked clothes. "When I fell, I scrapped my knees and elbows, which explains the blood. I had a difficult time standing up, but once I did I realized that I needed to leave before the people who I had seen before found me. The Spring Court seemed the most viable option and I decided to come here." Aurilena finished explaining, noticed the blank expression on Tamlin's face she began to worry.

"If I am not welcome please let me know, I am sorry if I intruded on your space. I will completely understand if you do not want me here and I will leave. Again, I am so sorry-" Aurilena rambled, but was silenced when Tamlin held up a hand.

"Stop," He said dismissively. "Lucien, do you think she is lying?" Aurilena's breathing labored as she looked at Lucien hopefully. He was her friend and she just hoped he believed her. Please, please, please, please, please...

"I have known Aurilena for a long time and I trust what she is saying." Lucien claimed, giving her a comforting smile, which she tried to return but could give him a turn of her lips.

Aurilena didn't tell them about how she got into the Spring Court through winnowing, the fire, the screams, how she began weeping not even half way into her walk to the Spring Court Manor, and the rush of power she got after it happened. These were things they didn't need to know and would never if she could help it.

"Can I trust that you are not spying for the Night Court?" Tamlin asked knowingly and Aurilena nodded her head rapidly.

Everyone in Prythian knew of what occurred to the families of the Spring and Night Court. Although she would not say it publicly, she was on the High Lord of the Night Court's side. They had murdered his mother and sister first, the only thing that the father and son of Night did was seek retribution.

Of course, Aurilena was more than likely being biased since her family had belonged to the Night Court for generations, which was possibly the reason for Tamlin's distrust in her.

"Of course, I am here of my own free will." She said assuredly, trying to convince him to trust her.
Aurilena knew she said she could go somewhere else, but the trust was that she could not. Not to a place where she trusted she would be safe.

"You can have a room." Tamlin said hesitantly and Aurilena felt hope fill her. She quickly tried to stand up, but pain shot through her body and she immediately sat back down.

Lucien rushed to her side, touching her comfortingly. "Are you hurt?" He asked, checking her over for any signs of injuries. Aurilena waved a hand, trying to convince him that she was fine, but her face was etched in a pained expression and she had to bite down on her tongue to keep from screaming.

Lucien didn't give Aurilena a chance to protest as he picked her up out of her chair carefully. He send her a look that stopped her from complaining and she settled on slumping in his embrace. Lucien carried her up the staircase and down the hallway until he reached a room. He opened the door while still carrying her before going to the bed and pulling the covers out, setting her on the bed after a moment before tucking her in.

Aurilena smiled at Lucien appreciatively, which he returned. If she trusted anyone, it was him. Lucien had always been there for Aurilena and she loved him for it, a true friend. He made sure he was fine before giving her a sad look. "It was Amarantha, was it not?" Lucien asked and Aurilena turned her head away, nodding as she did. Only one person wanted her family gone and it was Amarantha. No one else hated them like she did, well...she guessed only her now.

Lucien let out a hmm of acknowledgment before straightening up. "I know this is hard, but you will be able to move forward. You always do." Aurilena did not respond to Lucien, continuing to look away from him as she did. She could not find the words because in truth she was sure if she would ever move past this.

It was quiet for a few seconds before retreating footsteps were heard and the bedroom door closing soon after. Once Aurilena knew Lucien was gone and was not coming back, tears began flowing freely. She tried to stay silent, but she couldn't stopped the wrecked sobs that came out.

Aurilena did not know when, but sometime that night she fell asleep, tears still falling. That night, she dreamed of flames and screams, something she would not be free of for the next nearly half a century. Not until those violet eyes would set their sights on her and set her free.

* ˚ ✦

That's the end of this chapter! Was it good? Bad? Meh?

Yay, we've started! The next chapter will be when Feyre appears in the Spring Court and then we all know how things go down.

Do you have any theories or suggestions?

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