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I was in love with this pop star. I didn't even know anything about this stranger, but I knew once i found out more things about this boy I'd quickly get over him. Once the interview was over, we were served lunch by the staff. "Sit by whichever boy you'd like." My new manager Shelly said. I took a seat next to Bill. "Nice outfit." He said, starting eye contact with me. His eyes were perfect, down to the color and shape. I was drowning in his thunder filled sky-like eyes.  "Why.. thank you.." I said, still drowning in his angelic eyes.

2nd person POV (mostly because i don't like 1st)

Tom looked at your outfit. "Oh I like it too."
You broke eye contact with Bill and looked at Tom. "Thanks." You said, picking up a fork and continuing to eat your food. You couldn't help but smile every-time you heard Bill talk. His German accent just brought you such joy, it was too cute. "I like your hair Georg." You say, smiling. Georg looks up from his food and slightly smiles.

"Your hair color is pretty, did you get it dyed?" Gustav asked you. It was pretty ironic that now Gustav was the one asking you questions when you were their interviewer not even fifteen minutes ago. "Uh, yeah I got it dyed." You responded, smiling.
"I quite like it. It looks very nice." Bill said smiling. You looked at him and couldn't hide your huge smile. Bill then dramatically pushed his chair backwards and grabbed the table roughly to get up. "Tom, Gustav, Georg, may I talk to you?" Bill said, somewhat hazardously. Gustav looked up at Bill with a judgy, yet confused look. "Um, no I want to stay here with her." He said pointing at you with his fork. Georg looked around awkwardly, "Me too." He said. Bill groaned and grabbed Toms arm forcing him to talk privately.

You looked over at Bill and Tom with a confused look but shrugged it off and kept eating your food. Shortly after, Bill and Tom returned. "Y/N, can we ask you something huge?" Bill said. You gave him a confused look. "Before we were interviewed by you, we found out that you have an amazing singing voice and we wanted to know if you'd care to join us on tour? I know you might think it's not as good as interviewing but you'll have the same managing crew so you wont need to sign anything, and it pays better." Bill looked at you with pleading eyes.

"Of course I'll go with you guys! Going on tour has been one of my dreams." You exclaim, finishing up your food.

Later in the tour bus..

You get to the tour bus a little later than everyone else since you needed to inform your mother about your change of plans. When you walk into it, Bill quickly calls you over so you can sit next to him. "So, I was hoping you could do a duet with me since I'm the lead singer." He said. You looked at him and smiled, but then remembered one important thing. "I don't know any of your guy's songs." You say, concerned. Bill reassures you that it's okay, but you couldn't even register what he was saying since he had put his arm around you. It was so late that before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.

In the morning

You were woken up by Tom making rooster noises and banging metal pans. Before you could register what was happening, two hands cover your ears so the sound is more muffled. You look up to see that Bill has wrapped you in a soft blanket and has you laying in his arms. You smile and make eye contact with Bill. "It's about time you woke up, sleepy head." He says giggling. He gets up, trying to avoid any awkward situations since you were in his arms and he didn't wanna seem creepy.

Maybe you were stupid for falling in-love with this guy in such a short amount of time, but the more he was around you, the more and harder you fell in-love with him. He was so perfect, with or without makeup, with or without a smile, and as cringy as it may sound, with or without a shirt even.

Gustav looked out the window and pointed at the upcoming hotel, "That's where we're staying
Y/N."  You looked at the hotel. "Well that's good to know." You said, laying back down. Bill grabbed your luggage and handed it to you. "Usually we have our own hotel rooms but since we didn't know if you were coming or not, we booked 4 rooms instead. Either I can share a room with Tom so you can have your own room, or we could share one. Whichever you prefer." Bill said, also grabbing his luggage. The tour bus pulled into the hotel and the other band members started exiting the tour bus.
"I'll share with you." You said, smiling and walking out of the tour bus.

Bill looked back at you and smiled, walking into the hotel entrance gleaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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