found | König

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Reader is referred to as Lucky. She/her pronouns.
tw: death

Narrators pov
"Copy?" she hears Price's voice through the radio. She had been sent on a solo mission in the woods at midnight. It was dangerous due to numerous factors, not only the enemies but as well as the animals that could be out there. Despite that, she decided to do what had to be done.

"Copy." she whispers through the radio, keeping her voice down in case anyone or anything could hear her.

"Good. Now move forward." Price orders. Stealthily, she moves forward as the leaves crunch beneath her. She looks out for any dangers as she can hear her cautious breathing.

"I see something. Hold on." she says as she spots something that looks to be someone. She moves her body slightly forward to see, only to be shot as she sees the figure pull out a gun.

"Lucky? Lucky? Do you copy?" Price voices through the radio. When he doesn't get a reply a few seconds later, a lump begins to form in his throat.

"Lucky... I repeat. Do you copy." He whispers the through the radio. When he doesn't get a reply, he leans his head down, his head between he shoulder blades as he places his hands on the edge of the table.

He breathes in a sigh. Still having hope, he orders through the comms. "Hang in there, Lucky. We'll find you." he pauses a moment, thinking of the possibility.

"Thank you for your service." he whispers, before switching radios.

"Price speaking. Soldiers... I need you to find Lucky."


König sweeps his way through the woods. When they'd determined the enemies were no longer on site, they deemed it safe for him to look for Lucky.

Carefully, he looks through the trees and ground, hoping to find her curled up breathing somewhere.

The rest of the team were also there to look for her, each of them going through different parts of the woods. Most of them had already searched and found nothing and went back to the truck. König was not giving up. He looks through and through till he found something on the ground.

Her locket.

Afraid to see the inevitable, he moves his gaze upwards.

There she lays, in her uniform.

There she lays, the light she once held now gone.

He knew it was true yet he denied it. Deep down, he knew if he went to her he wouldn't find a single beat in her lively heart. Hesitantly, he moves to her.

Falling to his knees, he pushes out a whisper of her name.

"Y/n?" he says, worried.

No response.

He stares at her before taking her hand, checking for a pulse. For a sign. Please please please he thought. Not you, Lucky.

Nothing. Her hand cold as her head is turned to the side.

Holding hope, he checks your neck. Nothing. He lays his head on her heart to listen for her. He lays his hope on her life wait for her.


Lifting his head back up he breathes out a struggled exhale. He picks up her body, holding her closely to his chest. It was then that he realised she was covered in her own blood. Tears threaten to leave his eyes as he realizes nothing will ever be the same.

All those missions, every training when he'd partner up with her. Breakfast in the morning, lunch, waking her up, none of it will ever come back.

He carefully stands up, bringing her body with him. Slowly he turns and walks back to where the rest of the team are.

Throughout the walk, he thinks of everything that should've happened. Everything that could've happened to avoid this.

Maybe if he had been there, he would've gone out in peace.

A few minutes later, the team looks up to the sound of footsteps and leaves rustling. They look up to find König standing there with the very person he vowed he'd protect with his life, dead.

Price runs a hand over his face. Ghost and Gaz sit and stare and Soap lays his head down on the top of the truck.

König stares at them with glassy eyes and looks down at her.

She is the beauty that they base off of. She glows within the night sky, a star that shines brightest out of them all. She is the sunshine that gets them through the day and she brings storms so dangerous yet so comforting. She is the comfort that comes through the end of the night, the stars and moon combined. She is as rare as a shooting star, something he'd never thought he'd ever find. She brought joy and light through her every step and gave life to those who wilted.

And all that vanished when a soldier pulled his trigger.

"Found her." He says.

Not proofread.

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