bonnie (2) | ghost

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A/N ik straight jackets arent used anymore but for the sake of the story it is LMFAO

Ghost pov
The ride home was silent. Y/n kept her head down and looked out the window from time to time. She and Vincenzo sat across from us as to keep an eye on them.

"How you feeling about this?" Price asks them, breaking the tense silence.

Y/n keeps her head turned toward the window. "We'll get used to it." Vincenzo answers looking up at us.

I glance to y/n, Vincenzo's coat wrapped around her shoulder. She looks lost in thought as she stares outside as we pass the plants and trees.

"Y/n?" Price glances to her.

She glances out the window for a moment more, before turning her head to Price.

Price takes a sharp breath as they lock eyes.

Murderous. Cold. Ruthless.

We see that right now, yet I'm still wondering what happened back at the manor? The look in her eyes while I choked the life out of her wouldn't leave my mind. What was she so afraid of?

We all wait for a response.

"Like Vincenzo." is all she says before looking back out the window.

The ride is silent, with a few sparks of conversation between Price and Vincenzo and the other soldiers.

I keep my eye on her. I study her. Try to read her.


I can't fucking read her.

She's reserved. It's like she has a wall in front of her.

Why can't i see through you, Rossi?


Right now, we're all gathered around in the living area. Except for y/n. She decided to stay in her room. Her door locks from both the inside and the outside in case she tries something.

Vincenzo is here with us and so are the other two brothers, Bianchi and Nicolai. Price decided to have a little meet and greet, as he made it seem like. He told y/n and she said to let her brothers answer all of them, she just didn't want to meet people.

We decided we wanted to know more about the Rossi family. How they started, how they ended up here.

Most importantly, how y/n ended up here.

One of the soldiers voiced out a question, "How old was y/n during her first kill?"

The room is silent as we await a response, the brothers looking amongst each other.

"13." Bianchi voices out. We sit in silence.

"How bout you guys? When were yours?" Soap asks.

"Bianchi and I were 15. Nicolai was 16." Vincenzo says.

So her first kill was sooner than the others.

"She'd been pressured by our father. And really, there's no backing out. Especially from father." He continues, as if answering everyone's question as to why she had been the one to kill the youngest.

"What happened with her and her father?" Price asks, and it puts the whole room to silence.

The brothers tense, looking at each other as if sharing thoughts.

Nicolai sighs. "I feel like she'd like Vincenzo to tell you this. He says as Vincenzo keeps his head down.

He keeps it down as he speaks. "She was locked up for about 4 years." he suddenly voices.

"It was our father, he believed her to be a reincarnation of our mother, she was so much like her. From her looks to her personality. As some of you may know, she'd died when y/n was about 6." he says, clasping his hands together before looking up and around the room.

"My father loved my mother and he loved y/n just as much." he pauses. "Yet one day he just changed. Out of nowhere, he'd decided to train her. But for some reason, her training was far more different than ours. Far more, agonizing than ours." He pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"He'd decided to lock her up in the basement, keeping her out of reach from the outside world. She'd been allowed to roam around outside the house, yes, but she was never allowed off property. Everytime she tried, the guards would catch her trying to run off and they'd take her back down, where my father would remind her why she shouldn't try and break the rules the hard way. And each time, I'd patch her up. She was never deprived of seeing her family, we'd see her every other day. The difference was, it was like visiting my sister in a prison every other day. It was literally like she was in her own cell down there."

I think for a moment.

"What about the jacket? And why'd she ask for your father?" I ask. The question has been in my mind throughout the past 2 days.

He glances at me, before looking to Bianchi.

He nods and answers my question. "Ludo was in a straight jacket for awhile. And she'd ask for our father because she was so used to her having to beg my father for her life. When you'd choked her," he pauses, staring at me. "It reminded her of how father would choke her whenever she misbehaved."

"Why was she in the jacket?"

"Psychosis. She had hallucinations for awhile, her delusions got so bad she almost killed the guards whenever they'd check on her because she thought they were our father."

The room stills.

"How long did she have to be in that jacket?" Price pipes up.

"About 4 months." Nicolai continues "It'd been so long since we'd seen her sane we were losing hope she'd ever properly heal. I mean, in her mind at the time she still thought our father was alive." he finishes.

"How about the Vietato family killings? And the Lucky Doto murder? What was her motive? Why?" Gaz asks, just as curious as we were.

"The Vietato killings were a result of what they did to her. One of the members of the family, James had assulted her. When the rest of the family heard that she was planning to maybe take away his ranking the rest of the family tried to hide and change identities which is why their locations were hidden for a year. She found out their information through her own research."

"And as for Lucky, well, when you waste another's blood you must be prepared to lose your own. Arlon and y/n were inseparable. He helped her through everything. And even though she loved Lucky, it will always be family. Lucky killed Arlon just because he felt like it. He thought that Arlon was trying to keep them from seeing each other, even though Arlon was supportive of their relationship." Vince states.

"Lucky's body was found with 25 stab wounds, the same number of Arlons age when he killed him. She didn't even celebrate her birthday last year because she didn't want to celebrate the fact that she'd outlived him." He finished.

The room stays silent before we head light knocking behind y/n's door.

Everyone eyes it as Vince gets up to unlock it.

When she steps out of the door, her eyes stick to the ground before she looks up and I immediately lock eyes with her.

btw should i just make this a book or smthg LMFAO
Also this is not my best PLEASE DON'T BE MAD

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