Kaminari quickly took the phone away from Uraraka and shoved it in Aizawa's face. "Mr.Aizawa, look! He's gotta be your favorite outta those skaters! He's dressed like a cat!" The pro hero let out a small smile, he did admit it was quite adorable.

Shouji took the phone away from Kaminari, the blonde whining in response. "LET ME SEE!" Bakugo growled, attempting to take the phone away but Shouji just raised his arm higher. Bakugo was still growling like a dog not backing down, he was ready to tackle Shouji down for the phone even if it meant setting off a few explosions.

In the end Shouji does give Bakugo the phone. When the explosive blonde saw the image he immediately started laughing. "THIS! Is the same brat that was being a little punk to me!!" Bakugo did return the phone back to Tokoyami before laughing a while longer at the picture.

After the class looked at Miya's S outfit they quieted down to allow Hawks to introduce the last person in the image. Judging by the pictures the class had no idea who this was with all the makeup and the outfit.

"The last one is Hiromi Higa, his S name is Shadow. He's 24 years old and works at a flower shop. In one footage we saw it mentioned Hiromi getting attacked by someone from S." Hawks explained, finally getting through everyone in Reki and Langa's friend group.

"Wait, he was the other guy Mr.Aizawa was talking to. The orange haired one, ribbit." Tsu brought up, remembering the adults Aizawa was chatting with. The class nodded their heads realizing that was Shadow.

They've already met who Adam is after and didn't realize it. How could they? They didn't seem like the people who did illegal skating competitions.

"Thank you, Hawks and Dabi. I appreciate the help." Aizawa spoke up before putting his goggles and bindings around his neck. "No problem! Just make sure to get Adam behind bars again for us!" Hawks chirped and a grunt of approval could be hear as well, the class already knew it was Dabi. Tokoyami ended the call, the class' attention switched over to Aizawa waiting for his orders.

"What should we do Mr.Aizawa." Deku stood up clenching his fist in front of him with a determined smile on his face. The class all got up sharing that same determined smile, they wanted to help and not sit on the sidelines and watch.

One glance at his class told Aizawa that his class wasn't going to take no for an answer. With a sigh he adjusted his bindings one last time, "Get your suits." The whole class ran out of his room to get their hero suits on and discuss what they're gonna do now.

With the skaters

The skaters were all at Kojiro's restaurant eating dinner. Reki, Langa and Miya were all watching a movie on Reki's laptop while Hiromi, Kojiro and Kaoru were discussing plans at another table. They plan to reopen S again but this time make it legal-ish. Tadashi was also at the restaurant helping with the reopen but was forced to leave after Kaoru noticed how tired he look. Kaoru took great pride in treating his employees with respect and Tadashi sees that, he's been working as his assistant after Adam was locked up.

Reki did get a long lecture from Kaoru about not running off cause he got bored and actually TELL Hiromi if he's going to leave. It was crazy long and Reki honestly doesn't remember half of it, too busy spacing out to pay attention.

"When can we go back to the apartment!" Miya whined throwing his head back in the chair. "Yeah! We started this movie when we got here and we're almost done with it! And it's a 2 hour movie!" Reki joined in, he was getting restless and just wanted to lay down.

Kojiro smiled softly at the kids before walking over to Miya and ruffling his hair. "Give us 20 more minutes then we'll head out. Do you want some tiramisù?" Reki and Langa eagerly nodded, Kojiro's tiramisù was absolutely amazing! They would eat it everyday if they could.

Miya, on the other hand, was unsure if he should have it or not. He needed to stick to his diet but it sounded tempting. Kojiro noticed the inner dialogue going on in the young boy's mind and quickly ruffled his hair again giving him a gentle smile, "I'll get you one too. You deserve it, treat yourself once in a while.".

Kojiro went to his kitchen to grab 3 tiramisù's, when he came back and handed them to the kids they all started chowing them down. The man smiled again before heading back to the table with the other adults.

A few minutes have gone by, the boys had finished their tiramisù's and now were starting to watch another movie. The adults were starting to wrap up gathering the papers they had spread out. Kaoru placed all the papers in a folder before placing them in his bag to review later with Tadashi.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the restaurant door. Reki perked up quickly getting up and heading towards the door. The red head assumed it was Tadashi, the poor man had a habit of forgetting his valuables. He'd usually forget his phone, car keys, house keys or his wallet and he'll come back to retrieve them.

"What'd you forget this time Tada..."

A cold chill ran down Reki's spine...

If any of the information about the skaters is wrong my bad, I got that off fandom wiki 💀. But yay! Another chapter! And a cliffhanger!

Anyways! I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Hope you have/had a great day! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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