A small scene I forgot to add before the dance in ~WE ARE FAMILY~

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Enjoy 😘

Before everyone started dancing at the Bergen Town Wedding...

"Anyone of the female bergens who aren't married yet?" Miss Maxine called out.  "The bride will be tossing the bouquet now!  And then to the trolls right after!"

A few of the female bergens and some little girls gathered around as Miss Maxine handed Bridget a giant bouquet.

Bridget tossed it behind her back...

A baby bergen in a carriage caught it in her lap.


Then to the trolls there was a tinier bouquet, because... the size difference.

Smidge, Satin, Chenille, and a bunch of other female trolls rushed up.

Poppy, feeling a little uncomfortable, stayed back and watched.

Guy Diamond and Cooper walked up to her.

"Poppy, don't you want to catch it?" Guy asked.

Poppy shook her head.  She ruffled her hair nervously and gave a shy smile at the thought of it.

"Come on, don't be shy!" Cooper said as he scooted her closer to the group of girl trolls.

Poppy didn't try to back up but crossed her arms so they wouldn't be open to catch the bouquet.

Bridget slowly turned her back and tossed the tiny bouquet in the air.

Poppy looked away and pretended not to care about it flying...



It landed right in her crossed arms.

Horrified, she looked around as everyone cheered for her.

She stood stiff and gave a quick glance at Branch, who immediately turned away obviously embarrassed watching it all happen.

She was embarrassed too, and began to blush.  But she faked a smile and held it close.

"Yayyy..." she said pretending to be excited, still faking a shy smile.

A few of the girl trolls gathered around her happily.

Are you gonna save that when someone proposes to you? 😃" one troll asked her.

The other trolls asked her about what she meant by "someone."

"Who is she gonna marry anyways?" 

"Branch...? 😏"

Branch.  Poppy's cheeks turned bright red and she smiled.  She turned around and saw poor Branchie with Cooper and Prince D excitedly saying to him, "Your girlfriend caught the bouquet!  We're so excited when you two finally get married!"

Oh, why did she tell him if would be weird if they got married?

She then caught Branch's eye and he looked a bit startled.

So cute, Poppy thought.

Maybe... she wouldn't mind if they got married.

I'm fact she probably even wanted it to happen now.

She excused herself from the female trolls gathered around her and bashfully walked up to Branch when Cooper and Prince D went to join the bergens.

"Hey, Poppy..." Branch rocked back and forth on his feet nervously.

Poppy smiled and ruffled her bangs shyly.

"Hey..." she whispered.

She looked into his kind teal eyes and blushed.  She never felt more shy around him than now.

So cute... so handsome... so lovely...

She thought these words in her head as they continued staring at each other.

"You're so beautiful," Branch whispered to her.

Beautiful?  Her?  Poppy blinked and her lips curved into a sweet bashful smile.

"I'm beautiful?" her cheeks were so red her freckles glittered.

"Nah, screw that, you're just cute 😉," he corrected himself.

Poppy felt relieved 😌.

"Awww, so are you 😊."

"No I'm serious you really are beautiful."

Poppy blushed yet again.  Oh, make it stop!  She just couldn't seem to stop blushing around him.  She felt like her cheeks were on fire, burning until she couldn't take it.

She could have sworn his gaze flickered to her lips for a split second, then went right back to meet her gaze again.

Did he wanna kiss her?

Or was it just a game?


Branch cradled her closer and pressed his lips to her cheek, once again trying to get as close to her lips as he could without touching them.  Oh, it felt so good.

She suddenly remembered catching the bouquet, which was still in her hands.  She remembered when Branch accidentally told her they would be getting married.  She remembered they nearly kissed.

Oh, the love that she suddenly felt overwhelmed with.

She could feel her lips trembling, and her vision clouded as her heart pounced with joy.

She sniffled and a tear came out her right eye.

I'm being specific bc I learned of the first tear comes from the right eye it's joy, left is pain, and both is frustrstion.

Branch let go, and Poppy smiled at him.  Tears were still leaking out of her eyes.

Branch became worried.  "What's wrong?"

"I'm just happy," she said before letting out a small sob.

Then she kissed his cheek.

"I think... I'll save this," she looked down at the bouquet...

And noticed what type of flowers they were.

They were beautiful orange California poppies.

But that wasn't all.

There were leaves surrounding them with small branches and twigs holding them.

Poppy nearly gasped.  Was the bouquet meant to be for her?


Maybe it was a sign.

A sign that one day...

Poppy and Branch will get married.

Trolls Band Together ❤ Broppy OneShorts 😍💖💙Where stories live. Discover now