~ BroZone's Happy Ending ~

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FINALLY, after more than two decades, THE BROZONE BOY BAND WAS BACK!!!  Branch, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, and Tiny Diamond had found Floyd and freed him from his trap, leaving Poppy and Viva to throw his kidnappers, Velvet and Veneer, in jail (they literally threw them in the cell - Veneer complained he had a broken nose after Viva flung him hard 😂).


"Shut up," Velvet snapped at him.

And now all five boys were back on stage, singing the song Mirrors by Justin Timberlake (you can see I did a lil thing so Branch could be our star 😍).


💙 Branch

💚 John Dory

💛 Clay

💓 Floyd

💜 Spruce

(They were in the middle of the song as I wrote this btw)

💚💛 It's like you're my mirror 💛💚

💚💛 My mirror staring back at me 💛💚

💜💓 I couldn't get any bigger 💛💚

💜💓 With anyone else beside me 💛💚

💜💓 Now it's clear as this promise that we're makin' 💓💜

💜💓 Two reflections into one 💓💜

💚💛 'Cause it's like you're my mirror 💛💚

💚💛 My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me 💓💜

John Dory and Clay slide out of the way in opposite directions to reveal Branch, finally.

💙 Yesterday's history, oh 💙

💙 Tomorrow's a mystery, ohhh 💙

As soon as all that happened, Poppy looked up from locking the jail cell with her key to see how the band was doing.  As she was Branch up there, her jaw dropped open and the key slipped out of her hands.  It broke when it hit the floor, but she didn't notice.

Viva noticed this.  "Hey, Poppy," she said slowly.  "Are you—"

"OH MY GOSH I GOTTA GET UP THEREEEEEE!!!" Poppy screamed and rushed to the front of the crowd immediately.  As soon as she got there, Branch held out a hand to the crowd.  When he saw Poppy, he stretched his hand out to only one troll in the front row: her.

💙 I can see you looking back at me, keep your eyes on me 💙

💙 Baby, keep your eyes on me 💙

Poppy couldn't hold back any tears from pouring down her eyes.  "I LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!" she screamed loudly as she took his hand.

As the other boys kept on singing, Branch twirled Poppy into the air.  Poppy giggled, blushing uncontrollably.

As he finally put her down again, he took both her hands and drew her closer.  Poppy was ready for a hug, but this time he led her right to him.  Poppy's heart nearly stopped as she realized their faces were almost touching.

"So..." Branch smiled at her nervously.  "How does it feel to be on stage with your favorite band, Poppy?"

Poppy's voice cracked.  "It's so... awesome," she sniffed.  Then she jumped up and down into the air.  "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I CAN'T TAKE IT YOU'RE MY FAVORITE OUT OF ALL OF THEM!" 

Then, as the boys sung the last lines of the song, she stopped shortly right in front of him, pulling him in even closer.

She smiled at him, tears still rushing down her eyes.  "I love you, Branch," she said.

"Poppy..." Branch smiled back.  "I love you too."

They stared at each other lovingly...

...and then...

...they shared a quick kiss on the lips 😘😘😘.

The crowd began cheering louder.

Spruce and Floyd then forced Branch down onto one knee, and the crowd got even louder.  Two trolls even fainted (yeah the same ones who fainted in the trailer).

As Poppy gasped and covered her mouth in shock, Branch called to his brothers, "Wait!  Not in front of all this!" he gestured to the crowd.  "I can't —"

"Just DO IT brother 😈," John Dory smirked in pleasure, snatched the ring out of his hair, placed it in Branch's hands, and made him hold it out to Poppy.  "Go on," his face softened as he walked back to join his brothers.  "Ask her."

"Can't you guys stay by my side as I do it?" Branch asked them.

"Nahhh!" John told him, and the three other guys started snickering at the gesture he made as he said that.

Branch sighed and looked up at Poppy nervously.  She stared back at him, shocked.  "Branch?" she trembled.  Tears stung the sides of her eyes.

Branch hesitated, than with an urge to just get it over with, he begged, "Poppy, please.  You know deep down you want to."

Poppy crumbles to her knees and covered her face, sobbing in joy.  When she looked at him again, she took the ring and put it on her finger.  "My love," she whispered.  "Branchifur... say it first," she took his hand.

Branch started to feel lightheaded, but he kept it under control.

"Will... you..."

Poppy nodded eagerly, tears leaking out of her eyes.  She fanned her warm cheeks with both her hands.


Poppy kept nodding, covering her mouth so she wouldn't squeal.



She took his hands and lifted him back into his feet.  That girl planted literally twenty-five kisses all over his face, the last and longest one was a smooch right on the lips.  He was so love-struck, his face bright red as he smiled in shock.

And yes, he had lipstick-kisses all over his face 💋.

Poppy just noticed it as she broke away.  She smiled and covered her mouth, giggling.

Branch looked at her.  "What?"

Clay marched over to them with a mirror as Spruce, John Dory, and Floyd shrieked with laughter.

"Look in the mirror, you dork!"

Poppy watched as Branch looked in the mirror at his reflection.  He covered his mouth, blushing.  Then he laughed.

"Poppy!" he took her hand.

Poppy's cheeks showed a very dark blush on it.  "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET," she cried joyfully.

Branch smiled and placed a light kiss on her lips in return.  She sighed cutely.

"Your lips are so soft... so warm..." Poppy whispered.

"So are yours," Branch smirked lovingly at her.

The four boys cheered for them in the background along with the crowd.  And Viva too, still in front of the jail cells with her key.

"THAT'S OUR BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY," The BroZone boys shouted, then they started chanting, "BITTY-B!  BITTY-B!  BITTY-B!"

Branch looked down bashfully and smiled, his eyes shiny.

Even Velvet watched from inside the jail cell.  She couldn't help but cry, "This is so beautiful..."

It was truly a band brought back together.


Trolls Band Together ❤ Broppy OneShorts 😍💖💙Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum