A smirk finds it's way on my face as I think how quickly the Moretti business empire is going to fall and how that bastard Maxim Moretti is going to be in jail on assault charges.

Then my dad will call off the wedding as the one thing that he hates most is DISGRACE to the legacy that my family holds. He hate it more than anything I have ever known.

The Moretti family will be left alone and that boyfriend of the elder daughter will be more than eager to help them out by marrying her. To save the family from being shamed Maximo will marry her off, hastily might I add.

This all took time but it will be worth when I will see that sour look on my father's face.

"When are we going back?"
Angleo asks bringing me out of thoughts.

"As early as possible."
I reply eager to go back to kuhu. I don't know what she must be thinking. I left her there and didn't even contact her. She must be feeling used or even worse, I don't know. I just want to hold to her close.

"Let's go."
I say impatience seeping in my veins now that I think about her. We get up and make our way out of the vip lounge of the bar we were in.

I was about to move out but I notice a burnette standing by the bar in a beautiful green skin tight dress. Her hair open falling till her hips. Eyes shining with mischief and lips pulled in a full blown smile. Her skin is shining under the soft glow casted by the light.


Realisation dawns on me as I take in her ravishing form. On her side standing along with her is luca.
This motherfucker.

"Capo what are you looking...
Angleo's voice die down as he take in the view I am looking at.

"How did they get in here? Weren't they suppose to be at the mansion, back home?"

"I don't know. Call back at home."

He immediately pulls out the phone and calls. One ring, two ring, and the call is answered.

I sign him to ask about them, he asks but all the other person is able to do is sutter on the other side.

"Tell me what exactly happened?"
I growl behind him tired of the person's stuttering.


An hour later I am sitting on a couch looking at kuhu dancing her heart off to song I have never heard before.

"You have been staring at her for like an hour. Do something?"
Angleo says behind me.

"Do what?"

"Ask her why she did what she did? Scold her but do something."

I avert my eyes from kuhu to him.

"Nah she is enjoying herself today I will confront her tomorrow."

"Seriously, she made a whole ass scene just to run away and you are here waiting for her fun to over."

I look at him and smirk.

"I thought she was a mere kitten but turns out she has claws. And she didn't hurt herself so it's fine by me."

"You really are enamoured by her aren't you?"
I smile and tell him

"sì, io sono."
(Yes, I am)

I turn to look back at kuhu but what I see has me clenching my fist hard.

Another man has his hands around her waist while his head is buried in her hair. They are moving along the rhythm of the music.

Kuhu is too intoxicated to know right and wrong at this point but one look on that man's face and I can tell he seem to care less about right and wrong.

I get up and make my way towards them, my steps hurried amd my hands itchy wanting to punch that fucker right on his face for touching what's mine.

I reach the back of the man and put my hand around his shoulder. He turns his head and says

"What the fuck you want...
He stops mid sentence as he sees the look on my face.

"Hands off of my girl."

I tell him in a low menacing tone.

He immediately let's kuhu go and runs away in crowd.
I look down in my front, at the back of my little vixen who have me on the tip of her fingers.

She turns arounds still inebriated and says

"Why did you stop dancing?"
She asks still not looking up.


As my voice hits her she looks up at me her eyes widening and her lips parting. I realise the proximity between us, we are so close after a long time. Her body mere inches from mine.
I take a look at her dress fitting her body like a glove. She looks scrumptious in this dress with her beautiful curves.

She says her voice filled with apprehension.

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