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xiao basically dropped his full weight onto bed, he was exhausted. not to mention, a fucking mess. his hair sticked to the back of his neck, his face was flushed, breathing heavily.

'i hate modelling..' xiao mumbled, taking off the heavy white coat that had been bothering him for the past seven hours. taking it off felt like thousands of piles of rocks had finally tumbled off his back.

"then why exactly do you do it?" an elegant, sharp looking woman came from behind the wall. she had dark silky hair that swayed gently in the wind coming from xiao's window.

the woman was his manager, she was quite a softhearted yet teasing woman, her name was hina. she supported his carreer ever since he started, telling him the basics of modelling.

xiao paused, actually thinking on why he did modelling if he found it so tiring. "i.. i dont know.. i guess i just if i dropped it now, all the experience i did when i was young would go to waste."

hina's eyes softened, she leaned against the wall, letting out a hum. "fair enough." her hand moved down to grab something from her pocket.

"don't you even think about smoking in here." xiao scoffed, his eyebrows furrowed. "it's bad for you. plus my room will smell like smoke and i actually want to sleep today without dreaming about dying in a fire."

the only thing his statement did was earn a slight chuckle from the older woman.

"im being serious. if you do smoke do it somewhere else." xiao muttered, crossing his arms stubbornly.

another soft laugh. "i know your being serious xiao, you always have been quite the serious one haven't you?" she places a hand through her hair. there was a slight moment of silence before hina decided to break it. "i'll take this as my chance to leave."

"alright then, bye hina."

"bye xiao~"

xiao heard the sound of heels stepping through the hallway. eventually, he didn't hear it at all. he waited a slight second before sighing. as much as he appreciated her, god did that woman get on his nerves.

every time she got the chance to, she would mess with him. he would pinch his cheeks, show his baby photos to his friends, ruffle his hair. and every single time, he always found himself dying of embarrassment. she was basically like his second mother.

embarassing memories came flooding to him, he remembered a certain photo, it was of him tripping over a rock when he was around 6. he was sobbing and immediately came over to her, clinging tightly.

xiao audibly groaned at the memory, screaming into a pillow. if his face wasn't red from the freezing cold then it certainly was now.

minutes pass of xiao shuffling around his bed, trying to find a correct position to sleep in. the faint smell of smoke started filling the air. xiao took a mental note to tell hina to smoke further away from his room or just stop smoking in general.

more minutes pass and xiao grew more bored, he stared at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing he had seen. in no way did he imagine himself sleeping. he sighed, sitting up. he turned his head towards the window, the moonlight glowed against his skin. xiao glanced over his room, looking over to see what he could do.

the buzz from his phone caught his attention, he had forgotten about his phone. xiao stumbled over to it, grabbing it then falling into the comfort of his bed once again.

he scrolled through his phone, squinting at the sudden brightness. most notifications were from aether, asking him how he was doing. he replied of course but he didn't really say much since it was like 1am in japan.

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