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windywirl added 'tofitofu' to groupchat 'anemhoes'

inbestigator: omf hi ciao

tofitofu: 😭😭

windywirl: omg xiao interacting with people?!?'?!?! once in a life time opportunity

tofitofu: kys


tofitofu: because you suck 😒

windywirl: literally die

ventiiapplepie: OH HEY XIAO

tofitofu: hey venti

mrmeanguy: oh my god it's the emo guy

ventiiapplepie: ur liek.. just as bad as him fym

mrmeanguy: STFU


"hm? what's this? xiao smiling at his phone?" hina had an amused expression on her face. she looked down at xiao, who was slumped down on a bench.

hina gasped dramatically, "has the xiao gotten a partner?!"

xiao scoffed, shuffling up as the black-haired woman decided to fix herself next to him.

"don't even, hina." xiao crossed his arms, a visible pout on his face.

"if you're not dating anyone, then who are you messaging?"

"my friends.."

"you have friends?"

xiao eyed hina, raising his eyebrow. eventually, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "you may be way older than me but you're still one of the most annoying people i've met."

hina let out a loud laugh, she flipped her hair. "my specialty!"

a certain little purple haired girl, came from behind the bench. she jumped, landing on hina. "hi hina.."

hina smiled softly, "hi there qiqi !" she gently hugged qiqi, poking her cheeks. "still as cute as ever i see? oh! and you've grown taller, huh?"

qiqi hummed in response, "maybe abit.. but my brother said that i'll stay short forever."

hina dramatically gasped for what felt like the hundredth time today, "well you're brother is just horrible!"

xiao narrowed his eyes at qiqi, who stuck his tongue out at him.

after a few minutes, (and about ten or more compliments of hina to qiqi) xiao sighed, "what's the point of coming to the park if all we're going to do is sit on the bench?"

"fair point, come on let's go!" hina responded, she held qiqi's hand.

xiao rolled his eyes, standing up from the bench. "okay."

they all wandered around the park for a few minutes. nothing interesting happened, other qiqi strailing off because she saw a few birds,  but it was still better than sitting down on a bench for two hours.

xiao glanced around the park. trailing further away from the duo. an icecream store caught his eye.

"hey.. can i get some ice cream?"

"you're acting as if i'm your mom, xiao."

xiao placed his hands on his hips, frowning, "well you're bringing two siblings to the park to entertain them. not to mention you're old enough."

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