Angel form: When feeling extreme anger and had enough training

- White hair
- Gold eyes
- Angel wings
- Golden aura
- Angelic voice

God form: When in Angel form, need extreme anger and enough training

- Long blonde hair
- Glowing light blue eyes
- Bigger angel wings with gold tips


- Godly powers (can go from superhuman level to God level)
- Light Manipulation
- Healing
- Resurrection
- Turns into angel and god form
- Flight


- Superhuman Speed
- Superhuman Strength
- Superhuman Reflexes
- Superhuman Durability
- Superhuman Dexterity
- Superhuman Senses
- Superhuman Agility
- Hand to Hand Combat Mastery
- Limitless Stamina
- High Metabolism
- Master Acrobat
- Martial Arts
- Weapon mastery
- Indomitable Will
- Danger Sense (when scar glows)
- Angelic singing voice
- Culinary skills
- Witty remarks
- Musical talents
- Dancing
- Gymnastics
-Detective skills
- Stealth


- Friends and family hurt
- Having wings hurt in bad ways


- Angels singing x Saviour II mashup (Entrance, theme song)


- Heaven City armour
- Gold angel wing ring
- Gold dragon ring
- Rolled up custom knife kit strapped to her left waist that can be rolled down filled with pocket knives and a knife sharpener
- Comics
- Sceptre/Staff holster on right waist when needed
- Heaven City currency gold coins
- 3 guitars (Acoustic, bass and electric)
- A custom drum kit
- A piano and keyboard
- Skateboard
- A pure black motorcycle with gold details (emergencies only, permeant when older)

Love interest: Banz Knight, Alienses Starr, Blake Moon

Exes: Blake Moon


- Spirit the Dragon
- Gabby the Enchanted Rat

Hero costume:

- Has a belt holster on both sides where Angel keeps her extra weapons like her knife kit and spear/sceptre, thigh holsters for throwing knives surrounding her whole thighs, back holster for her sword, forearm holsters for ninja stars 3 on each fo...

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- Has a belt holster on both sides where Angel keeps her extra weapons like her knife kit and spear/sceptre, thigh holsters for throwing knives surrounding her whole thighs, back holster for her sword, forearm holsters for ninja stars 3 on each forearm
- Can be put on by her angel energy
- Was originally the Heaven Army Armour but was modified for Angel's tastes
- She paints gold and white war paint on her face

Weapon: The Gold Family Sceptre/Staff

- It is summoned by her angel energy - Once it has been thrown on a solid surface it can deflect or bounce back to the owner, hence making the owner catch it back in their hands(think of Captain America's shield)- It has a multifunction system whe...

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- It is summoned by her angel energy
- Once it has been thrown on a solid surface it can deflect or bounce back to the owner, hence making the owner catch it back in their hands(think of Captain America's shield)
- It has a multifunction system where it can turn into more than one weapon
- There is Roman numerals on the handle of the staff that represents numbers each representing a different weapon the staff can turn into
- There is an dial with an arrow that points to these numbers
- An 'I' laying horizontally represents default which means it will stay as a normal staff/sceptre that can also be used as a walking stick or for combat
- 'I' represents spear which will summon up a sharpened diamond end spear
- 'II' represents a double edged spear
- 'III' represents batons that will make the staff to seperate and form two batons
- 'IV' represents double staffs that extended after the baton function

Weapon #2: Heaven Army Sword

- It is Angel's backup weapon for when things go wrong or when she needs an extra hand in combat
- It is always strapped behind her back
- She made a custom made sword sheath that she holds it in

Quotes and catchphrases:

- "Wassup my niggas!"
- "My dad taught me that, no one is BORN evil they are just MADE evil by traumatic experiences that happened in thier lives"
- "Did somebody order a guardian angel?"
- "The fuck?"
- "Oh you sweet child"
- "Do me a favour and go fuck yourself"
- "Hol' up"
- "You sneaky bastard"
- "Guys like you are the reason why I'm half gay"
- "You're joking/kidding right?"
- "Oh for Christ's sake"
- "Yeeahh I have a condition called laziness sooo"
- "Damn girl/boy you good?"
- *being a smart mouth in under 3 seconds*

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