Prologue part 2

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A new page opens and lands on a new chapter when the narrator comes back reading

Previously on Heros of the Overworld: Good vs Bad the Gold siblings Angel and Jesus were having a breakfast robbery, Mary went off to the Enchanted Forest, Drama stirring between God and Lucifer and a possible friendship down the drain. Let's check out what's happening in part 2!

God sighs and pulls his curls taking off his glasses. "I think Angel is right, I have to spend time with Luc, it's been too long"

He stands up and closes the paperwork walking out the door to find Lucifer.

"I'm coming bud." He puts a jacket on.

Jesus was currently looking for Angel and after a few hours of looking for her, he finds her at the edge of the clouds swinging her legs and leaning her head on her hands.

"Ah I knew I would find you here" Jesus says and sits next to her.

"How did you know where to find me?" Angel asks and looks over at him.

"Cause I know you Angel, you always come here when you're upset and also this place is closed for safety reasons so I know you would go anyway" Jesus rubs Angel's shoulders and pulls her close.

Angel sighs and leans her head on Jesus' side. "It's just not fair that daddy doesn't spend time with Uncle Lucifer anymore, they are best of best friends and even though daddy is busy he should make time for him, cause he's hurting his feelings and I might not see Uncle Lucifer and Lilith again"

"I know, but they are grown ups they can solve their own problem" Jesus rubs her shoulders again.

"I guess you're right, I will leave them alone" Angel sniffs and wipes her eyes.

"You ready to go back? It's getting dark." Jesus stands up and offers his hand.

"Yes, even though it will be nice to stay longer." Angel gets up and grab his hand.

"Dad will be worried and kill us so no" Jesus chuckles and lifts Angel to his shoulders.

"But it will be fun!" Angel laughs.

"Ah, never change lil sis, never change." Jesus smiles and walks back to the castle.

Meanwhile with God and his process to find Lucifer. He finds him punching a sparring dummy with so much force that it flew across the room and make a few cracks on a wall.

"Oof feel sorry for that dummy" God approaches him and leans against the wall with his folded arms.

"What are you doing here?, aren't you busy?" Lucifer asked bitterly and grabs a new dummy from the floor.

"Well I decided to take you up on that offer, you know as good old times" God says and looks over at him.

"Why the change of heart all of a sudden?" Lucifer asks still punching the dummy aggressively.

God sighs and pushes himself of the wall walking towards him. "Angel made me realise that I have been blowing you off for too long because of my kingly duties but she said I should make time for you even though I'm very busy" He says and puts his hand on his shoulder. Lucifer is a head taller than God but God is bigger due to his muscular body.

"She has always been a smartass that one, just like her dad." Lucifer chuckles softly and stops punching the dummy.

"Hey, don't call my daughter a smartass it's not her fault." God smiles softly.

"Well since you're here wanna go to our usual; The Dragon Coven?" Lucifer says and looks at him.

"Of course I need a drink from all this work" God says and pulls him in with one arm and hugs him walking out the room.

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