"Relaaaaaaaaax. There are not landmines. In this challenge." Chris smirked. 

How in the hell does he stay out of jail? 

"So what's the catch?" Millie asked. 

"Let's just say you'll want to do this as silently as possible." Chris smirked. 

"If this is a remake of the pasta, lion, snake, bear thingy last season, I'm going to throw up from the unoriginality." I scoffed. 

Priya farted. 


"Priya? Did you just toot?" Damien asked. 

"U-um, e-e-excuse me..." she said, incredibly embarrassed. 

Then everyone else started farting but me. 

Guess it's the raffinose in the baked beans. 

Thank you allergies! 

"You guys are disgust-" Emma started before farting for a good five seconds. 

"That's why today's breakfast was baked beans. You really think they'd give us actual food out of the kindness in their shriveled up black little hearts?" I said, putting my hand on my hip "Baked beans contain high levels of raffinose, a carbohydrate that collects inside a person's large intestine-" 

"NEEEEEEEEEEEERD!" Ripper said, before tapping his chin "Heyyyyy, I wonder if that's what's causing the farting?" 

"Yes. That is exactly what Gina just explained." Damien told him. 

"Thank you." I thanked. 

Everyone started farting again, Emma's once again the loudest and longest. 

"Hey, you've got some real power there Emma." Ripper said to her "More than just a pretty face..." 

"EW! Are you flirting with me about my farts!?" Emma exclaimed in disgust. 

"Yes. Yes I am." Ripper smirked. 


Gina: Ripper strikes me as the kind of guy who would walk up to a girl and say 'Nice shirt, but I bet it'd look better on the floor.' *Sighs.* Guys like him put the men in disappoint-men-t. Huh. I should write that down. 


"Yes, the all bean breakfast was part of the plan." Chris confessed "Now shush your butts and get moving. Before you get eaten by one of the raptors." 

"THE BASKETBALL TEAM?!" Raj exclaimed in excitement. 

"Oooh, he likes basketball. Looks like you've found your soulmate." I whispered to Bowie, nudging him. 

"Oh shut up." he responded. 

"Um, maybe you missed this news, but, dinosaurs are now extinct." Millie informed Chris. 

"Are they?" Chris smirked. 

"Yes. Well, unless you count certain animals like crocodiles and platypuses since technically they were around during the time period when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, but aren't technically classified as-" I began, before a loud roar came out of the forest. 

"Gah! Wh- wha- what was that!?" Damien exclaimed. 

"Probably just some prerecorded sound effect." I said, trying to convince myself of that fact along with convincing the others. 

"Gee, I might be wrong but I'd say it sounded a whole lot more like a raptor." Chris smirked. 

"Ok, huddle up Frogs." I said to my teammates, who complied. 

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