|Chapter 36|A Farewell To The Deceased

Start from the beginning

"I have total belief that he will make her eat food. A husband and wife's relationship is special."

Zohra scoffed and Shah Zain without waiting any second ascend upstairs to take care of his grieving wife..

Shah Zain entered the dimly lit room. He saw her sitting across the balcony door. Her posture was still the same when Shehnaz visited her. Shah Zain took a deep breath before walking to her. He settled down beside her before resting his back on the wall behind. The weather had gotten cold and chilly. Yet, still she was sitting there without any cover up. His worries for her only intensified.

He cleared his throat before finally muttering

"Please eat something, Shiza."

His words didn't get any reply back. She didn't show any movement. Her eyes were just fixed at the view infront of her. His shoulders fell at her ignorance before he scooted closer to her. Still, no response or any movement. He held her cold and dry hands before saying softly

"You need to eat something. You can't starve yourself like this, Shiza."

His voice held desperation somewhere. He doesn't want her to get sick. She was already suffering and sickness would only make her more weak. Still getting no response, he sighed deeply knowing very well that he needs to be extra careful with her.

She was grieving and it will not be good if he pressures her. She haven't even cried till then. She was penting up emotions under herself. He needs her to let out these emotions. It will not probably lessen her grief but it will definitely help her feel at ease for some point. But she wasn't even talking. He wanted her to share everything with her. He needs her to share her grief with him. He can't see her like this.

He again said

"Shiza, please talk to me. Share your grief with me. Don't be silent like that."

She still didn't say anything. He was getting anxious. She can't spend her days like this. She needs to speak up. He needs to know what she was feeling inside her heart. He squeezed her hand before muttering with more care

"Shiza, please you're scaring me. Don't stay like this. Talk to me, please."

His voice was getting desperate by the end of each words. She finally looked at him with her hollow eyes. His breath relaxed when she finally atleast look at him. She shook her head very slightly before resting her head on her knees back again and muttering in a very weak and tired voice

"I don't want to eat."

Her voice was so weak and filled with sadness that it made his heart clench. She was always so sweet and refreshing. She was always trying to make everyone smile. But now seeing her in such a condition made Shah Zain sick to the core. She doesn't deserve any of the grief. But it was all Allah's Will. He definitely knows what's best for His Creation.

He had his pure faith in Allah that He will make Shiza overcome her grief. But for that to happen, she needs to talk and eat and drink. She can't just lock herself in the room ignoring her health. Her khala would never like that. She would always want to see her happy and satisfied with her.

So, he decided to explain her

"Shiza, do you think your khala will be happy seeing you like this?"

She doesn't look at him but her posture changes. Her posture went alert and it was like she was silently asking him to continue so he did

"You know how much she loves you. Would she be happy seeing her daughter ignoring her health like that? Would she be happy seeing that her daughter had locked herself in and refused to eat anything?"

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