The woman's green eyes rested on me, watching me with sincere interest. "Hello," she greeted.

"Hello." Seeing that Arenis didn't hint that she wanted to introduce us, I extended my right hand towards the woman. "I am Eveline Adler, a member of Arenis' crew."

"Very pleased to meet you, Eveline Adler," she smiled, shaking my hand. "I am Anne Bonny and this is my husband, James. We just arrived on the island and asked your Captain if she could take us for a ride."

"Oh, I see. When did you arrive?"

"A week ago. We are staying at the same inn as Arenis. That's where we met her."

"Oh, I'm sure Arenis will show you the most enchanting places. She knows this island very well."

"Would you like to come sailing with us, Miss Adler?" asked James, all of a sudden.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want to intrude," I replied, making a quick gesture with my hands.

"Nonsense. It won't be a problem, will it, if your sailor comes too?" the man asked Arenis.

Arenis didn't seem displeased, far from it, the idea of me coming too made a cheerful expression appear on her face. "Of course not."

"There, you see? Come, we'll have fun."

Without being asked twice, I jumped into the boat and started to help Arenis. It was only after a few minutes that I remembered Jackie Jay and Dilthey, who had remained on the dock watching the whole scene. I let out a whistle, turning towards them and waving goodbye. Jackie mumbled something, but he was too far away for his words to reach me. We let go of the moorings and James and Anne took to the oars, sliding the launch slowly out of the harbour.

"Come here, Adler," Arenis called. "Maintain direction while I hoist the sail."

"I have never steered a boat."

She gave me an encouraging smile and let go of the helm altogether, forcing me to grab it to prevent the boat from making any sudden movements.

"There's always a first time, right? No reason to fret; I'll keep an eye on you."

I gripped the helm tightly with both hands, as anxiety rose to my throat. I kept the course, not even trying to turn, let alone steer. Agitated, I kept my eyes fixed forward, scanning the water for fear that there might be some rocks. When the sails were set and Arenis finished her work, she joined me again. She leaned one shoulder on the mast, her arms crossed over her chest and a mischievous smile on her lips.

"Good God, Adler, relax. You're so tense."

"I have never steered a boat," I repeated, insistent, my tone nervous. I wanted nothing more than for Arenis to come over and take control of the helm again.

"I know, you already told me that," Arenis replied patiently, then immediately added: "You keep your arms too stiff."

"Please come over here and take the helm."

"What's the rush?" she sneered.

Arenis, however, on seeing me so uneasy, advanced towards my side, positioning herself behind me.

Suddenly, I felt her hands resting on mine and, bending towards me, she intimated: "Turn a little to the right. That's it." She guided my hands so that I turned the helm. "Look forward, determine where you want to steer the boat."

Her voice was mesmerising. I surrendered myself to her commands, to the boat, to the rocking under our feet, and suddenly I felt over the moon and enjoyed every minute under that sun that warmed my face. The speed of the boat was very slow, as the breeze, partially obstructed by the island, barely swelled the sails, and the sea, smooth as a plank, rippled under the breath of short capricious gusts.

Treasure of the sea |Lesbian story|Where stories live. Discover now