6| Sad eyes

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Shiva grasped Raavi's hand tightly, his face overcome with tears. His heart shattered into a million pieces when he saw her struggling to breathe, but unable to do so. Fear consumed him as he desperately called out for doctors, but no one answered. He tried to calm Raavi down, but his efforts were in vain. The monitor started beeping loudly, causing Shiva to fear the worst.

"Raavi-Please, no-Someone help us! Doctors, my Raavi needs help! Please, try to breathe!" Shiva's cries echoed through the empty hallway, but no one came to their aid.

Just when Shiva thought all hope was lost, Raavi suddenly opened her eyes and her breathing became normal again. He hugged her tightly, tears streaming down his face.

He looked at her with concern and held her hand gently. "Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Please say something, Raavi. Your silence is killing me."

She struggled to speak and finally managed to say one word: "Master."

Shiva's heart broke at the sound of that word coming from Raavi's mouth.

"Raavi... No... Please... No," he shook his head vigorously in denial.

"Master-You are finally free, You no longer have to endure living with me,I hope you are content with punishing me for a crime I did not commit.I am leaving now.And I am happy,Happy that all the suffering has come to an end. My life is coming to an end as well," she said, closing her eyes for the last time.

"RAAVIIIII!!! No... Please, Raavi, open your eyes... I am the one at fault, please get up and punish me," he cried out in desperation, shaking her lifeless body.

But there was no response. He held her hand and looked at the monitor, which now showed a flat line. In a state of shock, he screamed her name.


Shiva collapsed onto the ground, his face drenched in sweat and his heart beating wildly in his chest.


"Are you okay Mr. Rathore?" a nurse asked as she prepared an injection.

He flinched and looked at her, only then realising he was in a hospital room. He saw an IV attached to his right hand and put his hand on his chest, letting out a heavy sigh. It was a nightmare.

Raavi is still fine.Right?

amidst the pain and sorrow, there was also relief.that was not real. That was just a dream. His raavi is still alive fighting for her life.

He opened his eyes and looked at the nurse, forcing a weak smile.

"You were in a pretty bad condition when you were brought here. A guy named naman had brough you here. He had told us to inform me that he is leaving for the work you had told him to do" the nurse spoke her tone firm and professional.

"I'm fine, thank you," he replied, his voice shaky.

The nurse nodded and injected him with the medicine before leaving the room. Shiva closed his eyes again, feeling drained and numb.

Thankfully, it was only a bad dream.

Varun had told him that Raavi was. He memories came rushing into his mind making him unable to breath. Varun had called him and he had said that raavi was no more.

Realisation downed upon him as shiva got up suddenly and began removing the tubes attached to his wrist.

"What are you doing, sir?" the nurse protested, but Shiva ignored her and left.

He went straight to Raavi's room, his heart racing in his chest. His hands were shaking and his entire body trembled with fear. He desperately hoped that what Varun had said on the phone was not true. He wanted it to be a lie. He rushed to open the door, but the room was empty and dark.

His heart seemed to be stabbed by multiple knifes as he looks at the empty hospital bed.

Where is raavi?

It can't be-

Shiva collapses onto his knees, his legs giving out beneath him. He can't believe whatever is happening. In a desperate attempt, he crawls towards the hospital bed and clings to it tightly. "Raavi, you can't leave me. This can't be happening. Please come back," he cries out in anguish as a nurse enters the room.

Shiva looks up at her and frantically asks, "Where is the girl who was here yesterday? Where is she? Please, tell me."

The nurse remains silent for a moment, but her expression makes it clear that she is also angry with him. The entire hospital knows of his actions and now he is being treated coldly by everyone - something he knows he deserves.

"Please, just tell me where she is," Shiva pleads.

"She passed away," the nurse responds.

"No, I refuse to believe it. She can't be gone. Tell me where she is," Shiva stands up and asks desperately.

"Unfortunately, she has passed away," spoke the nurse with a heavy heart. "If you need confirmation, her death certificate is available. Now, please go to your ward." With that, she turned and walked away.

Shiva's world shattered in an instant. His beloved Ravi was gone. Tears streamed down his face as he collapsed to the ground, overcome with grief. But even as his eyes burned from constant weeping, he couldn't bring himself to care.

"Raavi," he sobbed uncontrollably.


Meanwhile, Varun approached the girl lying on the bed, surrounded by a tangle of wires and tubes. He took a seat next to her and gently brushed her hair away from her face.

"I apologize, my dear little sister. I failed to protect you and for that, I am truly sorry. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me, Raavi? I regret all the pain I caused you," he said with a heavy heart.

"But from now on, I promise to seek justice for you," he vowed.


Two days later, a frail man lay on the ground, his condition looking dire. His back was covered in blood as tears fell from his bloodshot eyes. Beside him lay a photo of her - Raavi. He reached out to touch it but painful memories flooded back of when he used to abuse her. The echoes of her screams still haunted him and he quickly pulled away from the photo, curling up in a corner.

"No-Raavi-I never wanted to hurt you. Please forgive me. I will never harm you again. Where are you, Raavi? Please don't leave me like this. Punish me however you see fit. Give me every kind of pain imaginable, just please come back to me," he cried out in anguish.

He gazed at the abandoned belt lying on the floor. Every time he remembered the painful moments with Raavi, he would mercilessly beat himself.

The lonely soul had suffered in silence, with no one to console her. She was completely isolated.

He picked up the belt and began to strike himself once again, when suddenly someone burst into the room. The person swiftly snatched the belt away from him. It was Naman, Shiva's personal assistant. Shiva gave him a cold glare and demanded, "Leave-And give me that."

"What are you doing, sir? Do you want to end your life?" Naman exclaimed loudly.

"Yes, I don't deserve to live," Shiva replied in a soft voice.

"Sir, please calm down," Naman pleaded.

"I said leave!" Shiva shouted.

"Sir, listen to me. I have found a lead on her,Maybe she's still alive.Maybe Varun had lied about Raavi's death," Naman revealed.

Shiva gazed at him with a curious expression before placing his hand on Naman's shoulder and inquiring, "What's going on? Where is she? Please, Naman, tell me her whereabouts." Eager for any information, Naman proceeded to reveal everything he had gathered.


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