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I walked into my modeling agency, not expecting anything different to happen. My days have been the same for a few months now. I sign off half the rights to my body in order to be on the cover of a magazine in hopes of feeling something, but in the end I feel more numb than ever. I opened the stained glass windowed doors to see my manager, Leanne, talking to a few men. "What's up with all of this?" I ask, tracing out circles around the men whilst putting my sunglasses on-top of my head and taking a sip of my coffee. "Oh, Miss Victoria Secret!" My manager joyfully says, turning her body towards me while joining her fingers together. Her smile makes me almost physically gag. Her honey blonde bob, her grown out roots, her horrendous fashion, what's there to like about this perfectionist? "I was just talking to these lovely men, how about we take a walk, huh?" She joyfully said, putting her arm around me and forcing us to walk around the lobby of the modeling agency. "This is a huge gig for you, they're willing to fly you out to Germany!" She whispered. I looked at her confused. "A modeling gig in Germany?" I asked, shrugging her hand off my shoulder.

"No, it's a really weird request actually but it could set your career off and out of just modeling." She replied, making an airplane hand motion and sound effect. I looked at her with a disgusted expression, then realized what she said. "Wait, out of just modeling?" I asked, shooting my head towards her direction.
"Like, singing?" I added excitedly. Leanne rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Not exactly, plus the music industry is not something a 16 year old should be playing with at this time. It's extremely competitive right now." She lectured, looking behind us and snapping her fingers. "Well, what is this German gig then?" I asked, as a man came rushing to Leanne's service with a hot steaming coffee.

"You're interviewing German bands. Before you deny it, if you work your way with one of the bands you might be able to pursue your crazy fantasy." She said, stirring her hot coffee. I attacked her with a quick hug, then broke out of it immediately after. "You're a genius Leanne!" I exclaimed. "Now wheres that paperwork!" I gleamed, with a huge smile. Leanne giggled and guided me to the men. "Boys, she has agreed. Please let her sign the paperwork." Leanne said to the men. One of the men handed a paper and pen over to me and i carefully read the paperwork. I couldn't believe I was given such a great opportunity. I signed the paperwork, then quickly left the modeling agency.

The next day..

I was woken up by banging at my front door. "Wake up! They're here to take you to Germany." My mom said, handing me my suitcase i had packed the night before. "Listen honey, if you need anything let me know! I'm one call away." She said, patting my back. I smiled and grabbed my luggage. "I'll be fine mom, don't worry. Plus I heard it's a private flight!" I said to my mom, before opening the front door. I waved one last goodbye to my mother and walked out the front door. A man grabbed my luggage while another man introduced me to a boy. "Miss Koon, this is my son Oliver. He will be helping you get around Germany and will be assistance for any of your other needs." The man said in a rough German accent. I smiled and looked at the boy. He was pretty short, about 5'9, had long brunette hair, and a pretty cute face overall. And not the cute that girls always talk about, the type of cute that's like squish-able. I was somewhat interested in him, but he seemed pretty stuck up. I walked over to the van, and hopped inside. I was so tired that i fell asleep and had to be woken up when we arrived to the airport.

Time skip to whenever you arrive in Germany.

I was finally in Germany. Everything was going so fast, I was going to interview the first band in 45 minutes. I quickly rushed into the warehouse where the interview was going to take place and went into the makeup department. A nice woman styled my copper colored hair, and another put sparkly makeup on me. "Miss Koon, follow me for your first interview." Oliver said, grabbing my arms and guiding me to the studio. "Here's your lines, just read those lines and you'll be okay." He added. I stood on a taped spot placed on a red carpet and waited until the German band came out onto the studio. Before I knew it, a group of boys walked to the carpet. Four boys. Four good looking boys. "One, Two, Three, go!" The director said, as the tape started recording.

"Hello Americans, I'm here with Tokio Hotel, a popular German band and i'll be asking them your most asked questions, but before I start, let's let them introduce themselves." I said to the camera before handing the microphone the the boy closest to me. "I'm Tom." He said into the microphone. He passed the microphone over to the next boy. "I'm Bill." He said, smiling into the microphone. Bill passed the microphone over to the next guy. "I'm Gustav." He said. Gustav finally passed the microphone over to the last boy. "And I'm Georg." He said, passing the microphone back over to me.

"Okay, Tom. The first question is for you. Are you taken?" I said, trying not to physically cringe by the question. Tom put his arm around me and used his other hand to move my chin towards his face. "I don't know, am I? He asked flirtatiously. i giggled awkwardly and pointed my head back towards the camera. I shrugged off of Tom and walked in between him and Bill. "The reason I moved over here is because this next question is for .. you Bill.."

(A/N the italicization is to emphasize kinda floating away from reality.)

I felt my voice soften as I got lost within the eye contact I was maintaining with Bill. I felt like my heart was sailing away from seas.. outside my body. Was this how love feels like?


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