Behind Closed Doors - SBI

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The Minecraft family. 

 The... Royal.Family.

 King Philip "Philza" Watson Minecraft. 

The late Queen Kristen Desdemona Minecraft...

 Their two sons,

 Prince Wilbur Soot Minecraft, 

and Prince Techno Blade Minecraft. 

 Both boys were twins and related by DNA to Phil and Kristen...Both boys were 14 when Kristen died. 

 And... 15. When he brought home a blonde peasant, Tomothy "Tommy" Danger Innit Simons. He was born an avian hybrid, thrown to a family of dragon hybrids, who then traded him out to be a slave. 

When Phil found him, he couldn't help taking him in... To the world, the king had been helping the boy. But... If anyone ever bothered to open those closed doors-


"Stop fidgeting!" Phil yells for the hundredth time, backhanding Tommy with his left hand hard. He still wore his wedding ring, a giant priceless gem on it. Matching Kristen's, she'd been buried with it.

 And now- Phil's ring served to cut into Tommy's skin, opening a gash. "OW! I TOLD YOU I CAN'T CONTROL THAT SHIT!" Phil scowls, trying to fix his tie. But Techno had enough, smacking him on the back of the head. 

"Watch your language, little shit." But the worst part... Was when Wilbur came in.

 "...What did disgrace do this time?" The brunette asks, a harsh glare sent Tommy's way. Wilbur had something about him... That was different. He always managed to instill such fear in Tommy... Wilbur never called Tommy by his real name, either disgrace (and other negative nicknames) or his sunshine... His golden bird. 

 "The shit won't stop cursing or fidgeting." Phil huffs, glaring at Tommy. "Oh? That so, disgrace? What, you think that after we let you into our kingdom- Our Castle! You can what- Disrespect us?! Huh?! That what you think?!" 

Tommy only raises his shoulders, trembling and fighting tears. "N- No s-" A scowl cuts him off, Tommy's instincts still told him to say sir when someone had control, but Wilbur hated that. "No... Wil- Wilby.." Tommy answers, sighing. "Good."

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