chapter eight

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🎶 1 step forward, 3 steps back - olivia rodrigo

Sydney was always a little bit embarrassed when she walked down the halls with Scott and his dorky friend, but lately they've been there for her more than her socially acceptable friends. She was starting to learn that is wasn't always about reputation and appearance.

Stiles and Scott were trying to figure out what it was that almost caused Sydney and Stiles to drown, and what it was doing here. "I only found one thing online called a Kanima, it's a were-jaguar from South America that goes after murderers," Stiles explained.

"That thing was not a jaguar," Scott remarked.

"Yeah and I'm not exactly a murderer," Stiles replied.

"We aren't sure about that," Sydney mumbled.

Scott chose to ignore her. "Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you, and is still trying to kill you, and probably won't stop until you're dead."

"What about me? I don't want to die just because Stiles was nosey in the car garage," Sydney sassed.

"You know sometimes I really question this 'friendship,'" Stiles fussed as he followed the twins down the hall.


"Derek is not going to kill her without proof," Scott reasoned as the three walked into Chemistry. In Scott and Stiles' previous class, Lydia had a breakdown at the board, spelling 'someone help me' backward across the board over and over again. It was pretty damning for Lydia, considering Derek was after her. He had his suspicions that she was the Kanima, and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of the Kanima.

"So he tests her like he did with Jackson, but when and where?" Stiles replied.

Sydney looked at Lydia sitting down at the table, and as she saw Erica and Isaac walking into the class, it clicked. "Here and now," she answered, nodding to the duo in the back of the class.

When the two groups noticed each other, it became a race to get to Lydia. Sydney would've had an advantage under normal circumstances as a runner, but against werewolves that was fairly useless. Luckily, she sat herself beside Lydia before Erica or Isaac could.

Stiles and Scott awkwardly had chairs pulled up on the sides of the table, quickly making Lydia uncomfortable.

When Allison arrived, she gave the trio a confused look, to which Scott nodded back to the two behind them.

"Einstein once said, 'two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity.' I'm not sure about the universe, but I myself have encountered infinite stupidity," Mr. Harris said as he placed a hand on Stiles' shoulder. "To combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts in a round of group experiments. We shall see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one. Erica take the first station—" suddenly a ton of hands went up around the room.

"She's not even that hot," Sydney mumbled.

"Yes she is," Stiles mumbled back.

"Shut up," she quipped, kicking him under the table.

"I didn't ask for volunteers, put your hormonal little hands down. We'll start with Mr. Mccall."

Sydney was paired with Stiles, and she watched Erica and Scott very carefully. She wanted to know what was happening, and it killed her that she couldn't hear.

Meanwhile, Stiles was doing the experiment mostly on his own. Sydney was trying to do it, but her focus ultimately drifted away and she was left with a beaker sitting in her hand as she tried to read Erica's lips. However, when she saw her hand squeeze her brother's leg, she instantly became nauseous and looked away. "That's enough of that," she said. "That's disgusting, where's the eye-washing station?"

Stiles rolled his eyes, "you know Scott isn't into it. He's into Allison and only Allison."

The bell rang and all the students began to move.

Stiles and Isaac were sat together now, and Stiles' face hardened in an attempt to seem unaffected by Isaac's abilities. "If you touch one hair on her head, I'll turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat."

"I didn't know you had the hots for Lydia," Isaac remarked. "Aiming a little out of our league aren't we?"

"No, dipshit," Stiles scoffed. "She means a lot to someone I care about. I just don't want to watch them have one more thing to be upset about."

Isaac let out a knowing laugh. "Now you're way out of your league. Sydney Mccall is not in your reach." Stiles rolled his eyes. It was a fact that he already knew, but it didn't make it less demoralizing. "You know, I asked her out once."

"Sounds like the beginning of a very depressing story," Stiles replied. "I'll pass."

Isaac sighed, ignoring his request. "It was the beginning of freshman year—"

"Let me guess, you thought everything would be different in high school, but she said no?" Stiles remarked.

"Yeah, she said she was sorry, at least. 'Sorry, I'm flattered, but I'm with Brady,'" he explained.

"Unrequited love's a bitch. How about you write about it in English class, you know, channel all that negative energy?" Stiles sassed.

"Nah," Isaac shook his head. "I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her best friend. I'm not very good at writing."

With that, the bell rang and Mr. Harris ordered them all to switch partners.

Sydney tried to run over to sit with Lydia, but Isaac cut in front her, placing his hand on her chest and shoving her back. While this went unnoticed by Mr. Harris, Stiles jumping from his seat did not. He earned a slap on the wrist, while Sydney was directed to take a seat next to a girl in the back of the class.

Sydney watched all her friends carefully, not paying the slightest attention to her project. Scott and Stiles were also not paying attention, clearly staring right at Lydia. Her eyes flickered to Erica and Allison. She could see that Allison was uncomfortable, but trying not to show it.

She suddenly saw Allison jolt upward, like she was shocked. She looked underneath the table to see Erica's claws moving away from her leg.

The bell rang once again.

They were told they should have a crystal, which was the first time Sydney had actually paid attention to the experiment. She saw her very disgruntled partner looking at their perfect crystal, no thanks to Sydney.

"Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy. You can eat it," Mr. Harris announced.

Scott jumped up as Lydia brought the crystal ip to her mouth. "No, Lydia!"

"What?" she batted her eyes.

With all eyes on him, he sat back down. "Nothing."

Sydney didn't know why Scott did that, until she saw Derek standing outside the window. The crystal. The venom was on the crystal.

Lydia just ate it, and wasn't paralyzed.

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