Epilogue: Yes, No, or Maybe!

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Despite me having six hours of sleep for the last 48 hours I was still wide awake. Thoughts of the future were rare for me considering all the time traveling but now that was all I could think of.

What did the family expect from me now? I knew realistically not much would change overnight... but who was I kidding? I knew this family too well. I would wake up tomorrow and have a full lineup of things I could fail at. I didn't exactly have any role models growing up. What had I signed myself up for? What if I wasn't wife material? What if I wasn't a good mother? I bolted straight up.

Scrooge was passed out, sleeping harder than he had in ages. My tossing and turning was bound to wake him up so I made an executive decision.

I walked to the kitchen to have a drink to help me go to sleep. I wasn't the only one with that idea. Goldie and Beakley were also in the kitchen. There was tense silence already and my presence didn't help any.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Beakley asked.

"No. It's been a very difficult week," I said, scrounging through the cabinets.

"Well you won't find the good stuff in there," Goldie hummed. "I've looked. That bastard drank it all."

"Thanks for the heads up," I scoffed.

We looked at each other and we both seemed to silently agree. She stood.

"Beakley?" I offered.

"Not with you two," Beakley huffed.

"You're lost," Goldie hummed. "____'s buying."

"Love being voluntold," I hummed.

"In that case." Beakley joined us.

Goldie ran out of the room as we made our way to the garage. Goldie got into the limo and tried to convince me to let her drive. I didn't know if she knew how to drive, but I wasn't going to find out tonight so I pushed her to the passenger seat.

Goldie made us change before she told me where we were going which meant parking in some shady alley to change into some glittery clothes. I would've laughed at the idea of having extra clothes like this in the limo on a normal day. Although after the week I had just experienced I was glad I lived with a prepared super spy and a trillionaire ready for anything life could throw at him.

Goldie gave me directions to what looked like the most expensive bar on the face of the planet. It had valet parking and a bouncer who didn't make us stand in line due to the limo.

There were so many people I lost Goldie after five seconds. Beakley put a hand on my arm and led me to the bar. We sat in silence and drank cocktails together for about twenty minutes before Goldie reappeared drunk.

"How are you already drunk?" I asked.

"She was drinking before we left," Beakley said over the music.

"I thought you said there wasn't any?" I asked.

"Nothing of Scroogie's," she laughed.

"So why were you two up?" I dared ask. They grimaced. "Yeah me too."

"You should be celebrating," Beakley said with a small grimace.

"Yeah. You're the only one that had something good come out of all this," Goldie grumbled.

"No. It just made all of our lives more complicated," I stopped myself from ranting more.

"You're talking about Webbigail," Beakley hummed into her drink.

(Amongst other things.) But I just nodded nervously.

Goldie eyed Beakley then looked at me. She was never one to hold her tongue but I honestly didn't think she had anything to say. Beakley placed her drink on the table.

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