She pulled her face away and I leaned my head down so that our foreheads were pressing against each other. "No. Don't do this again. Your pressures are mine. We are always there for each other no matter what goes on in the other's life. Do you understand?"

I nodded and she pulled away and tilted her head so that she was staring into my eyes. "Never again. Your pain is mine—"

"—and yours is mine, Jennie." I finished softly.

I would do anything for you, Jennie.

She nodded quickly and and kissed my cheek before moving my arms away from her.

I frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Where else? To break up with my girlfriend."


I didn't follow Jennie. I needed to wait.

Take it all in.

I had waited so long to tell her and finally I did.

I sat on my bed.

She's breaking up with her girlfriend...for me.

For me.

She chooses me.

And that's when I knew, I like Jennie.

Not in a friendship way. But in an actual, I want to hold her hand and tell everyone she's my girlfriend.

I sighed. I don't know about kissing though.

I went down the stairs and saw the moms looking at the patio door with fright. I could hear yelling.

I blew out a breath and went to listen through the small gap in the sliding door.

Irene shook her head. "Everyone in that school are future psychopaths!"

Jennie slapped her.

Jennie 1, Irene 0


She shouted out, "I can't believe that I trusted a single sweet thing you said! You have no heart or soul! Get the fuck out of my house! And you can best believe I'm glad we moved into separate dorms!"

Oh...Jennie cursed...she's mad!

Irene huffed out a breath. "Did you never hear the news about all the kids coming out of there and committing horrible crimes?!"

I also heard about that. So many kids had made bad decisions but...there were good people too. Irene didn't have to bully people because of that.

Jennie fumed. "Are you really going to blame hundreds of kids for something a few people did?!"

"How can you defend Jisoo knowing that she has a chance of becoming that?!"

Suddenly, Jennie grabbed her collar and fisted both of her hands in it. My Jennie brought her close before saying in a menacing voice, "Jisoo is the sweetest, kindest and most beautiful person I have ever met! And if you dare say another word about her, I won't care about my future, I will murder you!"

My heart fluttered. I don't know why it did but the way she said it....

There was something in her voice. Something I couldn't tell.

She pushed Irene away and shouted, "NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!!!"

I watched Irene scramble away and moved away.
She slammed the deck door behind her and glared at me.

I'm Here (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now