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"... My name is Professor Knox but you can call me Anna-"

I couldn't believe it! I could feel the blood as it rushed to my cheeks, they must have been a deep maroon to contrast with my light ginger hair, pulled, to my dismay, in a messy bun. Not my usual hairstyle but it does the trick when in a rush... or so I like to believe. It must have looked so untidy. Of course with my luck, my emerald green eyes began to well, with all my effort I managed to keep the tears back and not burst in front of all my new peers, the classmates I have to make a great impression on... well that was already out the window. All week my only fear was being late to a lecture, how could it seriously be happening... and on the first day too!?

I looked around the hall, studying the rows upon rows of full seats, and with that full of people. Thankfully, with my last spare luck, the professor... Anna did she say her name was?... continued as though nothing happened. I walked up a few steps when I noticed through my blurred, slightly teary vision, a figure move up a seat, making room for me. I took the opportunity and sat beside them, pulling out my brand new, yet somehow already worn down folders. They aren't anything special, just plain black basics from the school supplies section in Walmart. I can never resist tapping down a small polaroid of my short-haired grey and white cat in the bottom left corner.

"What's it's name?" I heard whispered in my left ear... it was the girl who gave up her seat for me.

"M-Misty." I muttered, still looking down towards the picture.

"That's a beautiful name, I love cats." Her accent so clear and obvious as she replied.

"You're Irish?!" I looked up and turned to face her as I queried her accent.

Wow! She was ethereal. In a room filled with blonde haired Americans, she really stood out. Her hair a dark, woody brown, practically black, her eyes so unique; one a pale sky-blue, the other a light sage green... and her skin was so pale and buttery, it glowed a mystical glow.

"And you're English. Let me guess... Somerset." she presumed accurately.

"How- how did you know?" I pondered.

"It just so happens to be my favourite English accent." she responded, looking me up and down before pausing on my now calm eyes and smiling.

Her smile gleamed. So small, so subtle. Yet so warm and welcoming.

Hesitantly, I smiled back, unable to remove my eyes from hers...

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