Chapter 1

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Like always is westmore highs  cafetaria incredibly crowded. I almost can't hear my friends complain about their grades. "Man, this sucks! A D minus for math." Nigel drops his food on the tabel and lowers his head in defeat.

'Maybe if you study for once, you'll pass next time." I laugh.

'You're one to talk, you always get A's.' He pats Jamie on his back, 'And what about you big guy, did you get a B+ or something?'
Jamie doesn't react so hè punches his shoulder. 'Hey James, I'm talking to you.'

Jamies focus is back on the conversation, 'Sorry I didn't quite hear you. Because of my fat A that's between us." He holds up his grade.

'You know what, nevermind. It's not important.' Nigel quickly looks away.

Typical Nigel, he has a big temper. Can't even be happy for his friend. He's probably just frustrated with his own grades, but he doesn't have to take it out on us.

              'Do you guys want to go to the mall?' Kacey turns to the girls. 

She already had asked us yesterday, but no one wanted to come or had time. It wasn't a surprise because were almost beginning our finals. Even though i do have time, I sit back and wait till the other girls have answerd her question. I don't want to be the only one who has to run after Kacey while she runs to every pretty dress she sees for four hours.

              'yeah, seems great.' Lizzy nudges the others, 'You guys can come too right?' She had the same idea as I did.

I nod, if Lizzy tags along Kacey will drag her to the stores. We're waiting for Fem and Lot to answer but they're to busy with the boys. Not a surprise of course.

              'Lot, Fem!' I ask louder. 'You guys want to come to or not?'

Their heads turn to me , but I can see they're still distracted. 'Only if you guys come too?' They ask the boys hopefull .

The boys look at each other and shrug. I take a deep breath and look at Kacey who's already rolling her eyes at them. It's always the samen with them. Always about the boys.

              'Let's go guys.' Michael already standing and ready to go. Waiting patiently till everbody gets up.

We have two more lessons but no motivation to actually go. Lately it's rare to see one of us attend one. So we made a deal to go to at least two subjects a day, to pressure the ones in the group with low grades to increase their chances to pass. It doesn't help either that we have an important exam tomorrow. It's clear to see we already failed or deal. Too bad I really thought it would work this time. 

As soon as we reached the mall the whole group already split up. Fem and Lot of course following the boys and Kacey and Lizzy to the big brand clothing stores that are way to expensive for them, but they like to watch. I'm not really into brands, if it fits and I like it I don't care what brand it's from.
I'm strolling around with Nigel looking for something to wear for my parents formal dinner party. this is one of my favorite things to do. Just hang with my best friend and fuck around. Full from hte brugers we inhaled, we walk into a store with a red dress behind the glass. 

'And...What do you think?' I look at Nigel waiting for his reaction.

Nigel stares at me in silence, his mouth wide open.


He looks up to me, 'It's perfect.' I smile and ruffle his hair with my hands.

'Stop it!'

'It still looks great, stop crying.' I walk to the counter and pay.

'I'll go find the others.' Nigel says while looking over the railing.

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