The Duo

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Today was going to be a fun one

Y/n and Bill go over to Tom and Brianna who are holding hands "So how are you lovebirds?" Y/n asks "We're fine thanks " Brianna and Tom said in unison "Did you guys continue to make out when I left?" Y/n asks " It was a lot more than just making out" Brianna says "Yeah I can confirm " Bill says.

"By the way, Bill didn't you say your other 2 friends were coming over today?" Y/n says " Oh yeah want to go meet them? their houses are near the school." Bill asks " Yeah I'd love to meet them especially since they're in the band" Y/n says as they all walk towards Gustav and Georg's house.

When they got there Tom knocked on the door as we all waited patiently for them to open the door. Then somebody open the door Y/n wasn't sure which one it was because Bill didn't tell her what they looked like "Hey guys come in" the guy with long brown hair said "Right so Y/n this is my best friend Georg" Bill tells y/n "Nice to meet you Y/n bill has said a lot about you" Georg says while greeting Y/n "Nice to meet you too !" Y/n says when another guy walks up behind Georg "I'm assuming that's Gustav" Y/n says "Yep the only one" Gustav says while greeting Brianna and Y/n " We're going to be late so we all have to get going, are you guys going to school?" Brianna asks Gustav and Georg "Yes we are we were just eating breakfast " Well if you guys want to be late that's on you" Bill says "But we have to get going because there's a lot going on with these two" Bill says while pointing to Brianna and Tom "Whatever you're always so invested in my life Bill " Tom says jokingly.

"Well that's because you've been with so many girls-" Bill pauses and rethinks about what he just said while he looks at Brianna to see her reaction " Oh no It's fine I've been with many boys too I'm not surprised somebody this handsome would get many girls." Brianna says While Tom, Bill and Y/n just laugh "We better get going it was nice to see you guys though" Y/n says to Gustav and Georg while the group walks to the school.

When they all get there they have a little bit of free time so Y/n and Bill decide to bother Brianna and Tom " Brianna" Y/n whispers to Brianna's ear "What?" Brianna says "I put fart spray in your water bottle" Y/n says to a whining Brianna " That's not funny Y/n! I'm not even going to confirm if its true, I'm just going to get a new water bottle thanks a lot. I hate you" Brianna says " I love you too!" Y/n says while Bill went to talk to Tom " Hey Tom" Bill says "What?" Tom says "Your pants are falling down and I can see your Butt cheeks" Bill says " The fuck.. wait actually? does that mean 20 people saw me with my butt cheeks hanging out??" Tom says frustrated while Bill is trying not to laugh. Y/n walked over to Bill and pulled him away before Tom realized he was lying " You were about to be 5 feet under the ground you know be glad I saved you" Y/n says.

"Yep thanks" Bill said as the bell ringed.

The only periods Y/n had today were:

4th period

5th period

6th period

At least she had them all with Bill and Brianna. Y/n and Bill walked to their class while Brianna was saying goodbye to Tom since she had no classes with him today. Then Brianna catched up with them and walked to 4th period. Y/n again sat next to Bill and Brianna " Hey Bill don't you ever feel like we're The Duo everybody wants even though we just met?" Y/n says " I mean sure we just met but I feel a bond between us It's just like we can't be separated" Bill replies as Y/n blushed "You're so cute" Y/n says " I know" Bill says which made them both laugh.

-30 minutes in class-

Y/n turns to Brianna and asks " Do you want to skip class with me and Bill this class sucks ass and I mean it." Y/n says "is that even a question? of course I'd love to skip" Brianna said "Great let me just tell Bill" Y/n says while asking Bill if he wanted to skip as well to which of course he said yes. Y/n, Brianna and Bill walked out of class when the teacher wasn't looking and of course other students saw them sneaking out but didn't dare to say anything because Brianna's father was the highest donator of the school and Brianna knew that if anybody dared to snitch on her they were going to have problems with her and her dad.

Y/n , Bill and Brianna went to the school field all the way in the back where there was a tree so that nobody could see them. "So Y/n you smoke?" Bill asked Y/n "Sometimes" Y/n said as Bill handed her a cigarette and a lighter. Brianna took out a flask and started drinking out of it. "Want some you two?" Brianna asked "totally" Y/n and Bill say in unison while Brianna hands both of them the flask.

-20 minutes later-

A drunk Bill and Y/n start chatting " Bill your so handsome how come you don't have a girlfriend?" Y/n says stumbling on her words " Eh you know I've never really met somebody as nice as you" Bill says " They judge me off my looks basically , they never get to truly know who I am" Bill says " That's sad I've gotten to know you better and you have such a rocker personality, I love it" Y/n says " Thanks, can I tell you something" Bill says while Brianna is just listening to your conversation getting ready to pull out her camara and record. " I've had a crush on you since the day we met" Bill says While Y/n pauses. "Me too, I never told you because I thought you were just playing with my feelings.." Y/n says while Brianna was recording it all " YES! I KNEW IT YOU GUYS SHOULD DEFINITELY GET TOGETHER!" Brianna says happily while yelling. "I guess we should, what do you say Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Bill says.

Y/n pauses and by now Shes out of her drunken state. "I, don't know what to say" Y/n mumbles " Say yes Y/n didn't you say you liked him?" Brianna says "I did" Y/n pauses and thinks " Fine. I'll be your girlfriend Bill" Y/n says while a happy Bill hugs her.


Words: 1.1k

A little shorter but I hoped you enjoyed!

-I love you guys

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