Childhood friends

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Y/n was not really known at her school, she was basically known as a loner. She only had One friend, and her name was Brianna. Even though Brianna was popular, she didn't let that get in the way of their friendship. Brianna was rich and spoiled but she had a nice attitude, which Y/n liked and that's why they became friends in the first place.

Present time:


"Y/N GET READY FOR SCHOOL" y/n's Mother called from downstairs. "I'M COMING" y/n said while putting on some kind of baggy pants with a white crop top underneath her jacket.

Y/n ran downstairs to where her Mother was, she was already 15 minutes late on her first day of school. "Finally, grab your toast and get out of here before you get detention on your first day too!" her Mother said handing y/n the toast she made. "Thank you ma, wish me good luck" y/n said as she kissed her Mother on the cheek and ran off to school.

On the way to school y/n spotted Brianna on her car, Brianna then spotted her too as she yelled "HEY Y/N GET IN HERE" Brianna said as she pointed to her pink limousine. Y/n ran across the street and got into the luxurious car. "Hey girl I missed you, how was your summer?" Brianna said while hugging y/n. "It was good, how was yours? How many boyfriends did you get this summer? y/n said "It was fine, I did get about 13 boyfriends I think" She said while counting her fingers. "I cant count but anyways how many boyfriends did you get this summer? "None but it's fine I don't want any either way" y/n said while looking at the ground.

"You know, you should go out more often maybe that would help you, you know what I mean?" Brianna said. " Brianna I know you get a lot of boyfriends but I'm not looking for temporary guys I can sleep with, I'm looking for someone who truly loves me for who I am, not just for my wealth or popularity. And I'm saying this out of my heart not because I want to sound rude." y/n said.

Brianna just looked at her knowing she was right but didn't say anything. They were already at school anyways. Y/n and Brianna got tardy slips from the front office and went to their classes. When Y/n got to her class everyone was just staring at her as if she murdered someone, She knew today was going to be a long day.

When lunch came, Y/n didn't know where to sit since Brianna didn't have the same lunch as her. Y/n took a deep breath, as she headed for the bathroom. After lunch Y/n just decided to head home since the humiliation of eating in the bathroom was too much for her.

When she got home, she felt a sign of relief since her Mother wasn't home because she was working. She put her stuff down on the floor and made her bath. She took her shower and placed new clothes on her body. She felt like going out for a walk at the park since it was the only thing that could make her feel refreshed . Before she even got to the door she got a phone call from Brianna. "Hello?" Y/n said "Where are you? I've been looking for you everywhere even in the janitors closet." Brianna said "I left school early I didn't feel like dealing with that bullshit teacher, as well as the people I felt humiliated there!" Y/n said "Why didn't you just give me a little call or even message me, look y/n we've been childhood friends for a long time you know its not my fault I wasn't there for you it's the stupid schedule's fault. If I was there We could of ate together or even snuck out of school together" Brianna said "You're right im sorry i didn't give you a call, but I'll call you later I'm going out to the park, I love you Bri." Y/n said "Love you too" Brianna said as she hanged up. Y/n got out of the house and headed towards the park.

"Quite windy" She mumbled under her breath. When she got to the park she saw a tall boy with black hair, she didn't pay much attention to the boy but he was interesting He had spiky hair and had goth style clothes. She walked to the swings but apparently those swings were fucking loud and made the boy turn around. He couldn't stop staring at you it was like as if he was in a trance. You waved at him hoping he'd wave back, and he did signaling his hands over to the spot that was next to him. Y/n walked over to the boy with black eyeshadow on his eyelids. "Hi! I'm Bill" he said while looking at you " I'm Y/n Nice to meet you "Nice to meet you too!" The boy had a thick German accent which surprisingly was kind of cute, He had a big bright smile and dark brown eyes. "So do you live near here?" Y/n asked "I do" He pointed to where his house was " Its a nice house " You say to try and make small talk "Thank you! You're very pretty" he says with a smile of his face. You blush trying to face away from him so he doesn't see " Thank you, nobody has ever said that to me except my friend Brianna" You say "Its my pleasure! would you like to hang out tomorrow?" He says " Sure what time?" You say "Meet me at my house at 5 pm" he says "I can definitely meet you at that time, question though, What school do you go to?" You say " Oh, I go to Shade land Highschool" he says " Really? me too!" You say "Thats awesome! what's your schedule maybe you have some classes with me!" He says.

Y/n tells Bill her schedule while he tells her his schedule too. "Woah, we have 5 classes together" You say "Yeah I know. Hey can I tell you something?" he says "Yeah what's up" you say " I have a twin brother his name is Tom and we both have the same classes so you'll get to meet him tomorrow!" he says. Y/n pauses and thinks 'he has a twin brother? an IDENTICAL twin?' She snaps back into the real world and says "Thats great! so you guys are identical? do you guys have the same style of clothing?" Y/n askes "No, but we do look identical he's more of a baggy clothes guys you know?" he says.

Y/n was about to say something when she got interrupted by a call of her Mother. "Sorry I have to get this, one last thing before I leave why weren't you at school today?" Y/n askes "Oh my brother wasn't feeling well but he's fine now we'll be there tomorrow" he says "Okay then well I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Mind if we walk together tomorrow?" Y/n askes " Of course I'll be waiting for you!" he says.

Y/n takes the call as she leaves the park. "Where are you y/n l/n" Your mother says. You already know it's bad since she called you by your first name and last name. "I'm walking home why?" you say. "Did you fully go to school today?" Your mother says. Y/n pauses and rethinks her life choices. "Uhm... Yes, ma why?" you say "That's not what I heard from your teachers." your mother says in a angry tone. Before she can speak again you hang up the phone and send her a text message saying you'll be staying at Brianna's house today. When you get to her luxurious mansion, you ring the bell only to be greeted by her maids that lead you up to her room. Y/n knocks on the door and gets greeted by a happy Brianna.



   Chapter 1 done. 

I'll probably post another chapter again today depending on how long it takes me.

                                           - Love you guys

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