The boy I met

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Y/n looked at Brianna with a sign of relief because she knew she could tell her anything. Y/n sits down on Brianna's humongous bed as she says " Hey Bri can I tell you something?" y/n says "Of course I'm always here for you!" Brianna says before she cuts you off again and says " Why was it someone at school because I will sue them." Brianna says " No Bri" Y/n laughs at her comment " There's just This Boy I met, He called me pretty and I'm not even sure if he means it I mean he's really Nic-" y/n gets cut off my Brianna " AHHH You met a boy? What does he look like? Is he rich? Is he Handsome? does he have good taste in clothes? does he-" Brianna gets cut off by Y/n " Brianna stop asking questions and let me tell you. So he has spiky black hair, dark brown eyes which are literally so beautiful you could stare at them for hours, He wears black eye shadow and his style is totally rocker he's beautiful. He told me he has a twin brother I don't know what he looks like but he told me they're identical so who knows maybe that'll be your future boyfriend, a boyfriend you CAN stay with" Y/n says "Ok I was bored at first but when you mentioned his twin brother I started listening." Brianna jokes " Yeah whatever they're going to be at school tomorrow." Y/n says "Ok then you better beauty sleep because tomorrow we're giving you a make over you've been long overdue to have one." Brianna says " Very funny Bri" You say while getting into bed with her and falling asleep

-Time skip-  

"Rise and shine beautiful!" Brianna says waking you up "5 more minutes pleasee" You say "Nope darling time to get up and get beautiful for your future husband" Brianna says. That word woke y/n up " I'm ready for the makeover" Y/n said knowing she didn't get enough sleep but wanted to look presentable for Bill. Brianna gives Y/n some clothes she can wear and thank the lord they're the same size.

This is what Brianna gave you:

(She loves dresses so expect that more often)

"Bitch, You're wearing it better than me!" Brianna said "Thanks I love it but wont this break the dress code? you know you can't wear V cut things, or should I say things that shows off our breasts

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"Bitch, You're wearing it better than me!" Brianna said "Thanks I love it but wont this break the dress code? you know you can't wear V cut things, or should I say things that shows off our breasts." Y/n says "fuck the dress code I don't give a shit." Brianna says. You guys laugh and go downstairs to eat breakfast. " What do you want?" Brianna asks " I love Peanut butter and jelly so I'll take that" Y/n says " Ok so I'll ask my maids to make it" Brianna says while walking over to her maids and asking them to make the food. 5 minutes pass and you guys are done eating and y/n  asks Brianna " Hey do you think we can pick up the twins, I told Bill we were going to walk together but since I got that call from my Mother I had to switch plans" Y/n says "Of course I can't wait to meet that Tom guy!" Brianna says. y/n chuckles and tells Brianna the way. When they get there Y/n gets out of the car and Knocks on their door, she waits patiently for them to open the door. A few seconds later Bill opens the door and hugs you which makes you surprised since you only met Him a day ago "Hey, you came!" Bill says "Of course I did why wouldn't I?. By the way my best friend is in her car we were hoping to drive you and your twin to school?" y/n says " Yeah sure let me go tell him!" Bill says as y/n waits for them outside. When they go downstairs y/n glares at Tom who was cute and y/n already knew what Brianna was going to think of him. Looking back y/n winked at Brianna who was waiting in the car. "Hi I'm Tom, nice to meet you." He says.

Y/n greets him back as they all go into the car where Brianna is. Y/n can see Brianna's jaw drop to the ground and Y/n can already sense she has a crush on Tom. Although Y/n already knew what Brianna thought about Tom she wasn't sure about what Tom thought of Brianna they seemed to just be staring at each other. Bill snapped Tom out of his trance while Y/n snapped Brianna out of hers. "So.. Y/n wasn't wrong about how she described you Bill" Brianna said while Y/n hit her on the leg.

Bill chuckles. " I don't know how she described me but I hope it was something good she said." Bill said " Oh it was good alright" Brianna said while Y/n just look away flustered. "Tom your good looking do you have a girlfriend?" Brianna asks "I don't actually" Tom says smirking at a blushing Brianna "Ok guys please don't make out in front of me and Bill" Y/n says. They all laugh as they get to school, while walking out Bill mentions " I have 2 other friends one of them is called Gustav and the other one is called Georg, they're apart of our band" Bill says While Brianna and Y/n pause "You guys have a band!?" Brianna and Y/n say in unison "Yep" Tom says. They continue walking while y/n asks "Bill when will you show me your 2 friends?" Y/n asks " They'll be at school tomorrow they're travelling right now" Bill says "Thats cool" y/n says.

They all enter school and go straight to their classrooms. 

-1st period- Math

"Great I hate math, at least Bill and tom will be there."

When y/n got to the class she looked at the seating chart that was up on the wall and saw that Bill and Tom were sitting next to her. Y/n got excited that she would finally get to talk to Bill. Y/n sat on her chair and waited for Bill and Tom to arrive. When y/n saw them on the doorway She waved for them to sit back where she was. Bill winked at y/n while he walked towards her. 


   words: 1k

     This one was a little bit shorter but I'm tired, Next 4 parts tomorrow I hope

                  -I love you guys

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