“Well, when I first arrived here, I thought you just accompanied her to pick me up and was here for a short visit but I’m been here three days and you’ve slept here for those three days. Your clothes and some of your other personal belongings are here, and sometimes, you even sleep in Bella’s room and I’m just wondering why that is,” Mrs Rita asked.

Gwen was not expecting this at all and was completely blindsided by the Inquisition. She was confused and wasn’t sure what to say. The truth wasn’t an option and she was a terrible liar.

“Well, Aunty. You see, the thing is…Iz and I, we umm, we have uhh,” And like it was the will of God, her cell phone started ringing.

“Sorry, I should get this,” Gwen said and picked up the call.

After speaking with the caller for a few seconds, Gwen made up an excuse so she wouldn’t have to answer the question right away.

“I’m so sorry, Aunty. They need me at work but we’ll talk some more when I get back,” she said and dashed out of the apartment before Rita could say anything.

“Something is up with these girls and I’m going to find out what,” Rita said to herself.




Josh was ready to leave for the office and he looked at himself in the full-length mirror as he normally did before he left for work any day.

After he was satisfied with his outfit, he called out to Garin but the demon didn’t respond.

“Garin, you in there?” He called out again but still no answer.

Josh was a bit shocked because he had expected Garin to show up and say something cocky but he didn’t. He picked up his briefcase and then, his phone rang again.

“Could you people let me go to work?” He asked and looked at the caller ID.

It was yet another mother but this time, it was HIS mother.

“Hello, Mom,” Josh answered as he walked out his front door.

“Joshua, how are you doing, Son?"

“I’m fine, Mom. You’re not just calling to ask how I am, are you?”

“Yes, I am but I can do one thing for multiple reasons, you know,” she said.

“I already told Janet that I’ll be at the fundraiser. It’s this Saturday, isn’t it?” Josh asked.

“Yes, and you must come so please, don’t disappoint me,”

“I won’t, Mom, I promise. I gotta go, okay? Bye,” he said and hung up as he got into his car.


“This is how we’re going to handle this now. Father and Lucifer have both agreed to it so we don’t have to try anything at this moment in time until Hannah and Garin are strong enough and leave the vessels,” Gabriel told Cher.

“But, won’t they just be even harder to defeat?” Cher asked.

“Maybe, but at least, we’ll have a more even playing field and we’ll stand more of a chance to finally hold them and send them back to Harlem,” Gabriel said.

“What about the demon, Gentel? I don’t trust her to stay away from the vessels,”

“She probably won’t but she knows she can’t hurt them so we don’t have to worry. We just need to keep an eye on her and make sure that we make the first move when the time comes. This is too important to let slip out of our control,”

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