Chapter 24 - Redemption

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"He did what?". An unbelieving Astoria shouted as soon as Rose told her what happened. "Oh my gosh, that's unbelievable. How can that guy be so dense?"

"What do you mean?". Rose asked.

As if she realized what she said, Astoria tried to think of something to change the subject, but she didn't even have to, because right at that moment the door opened revealing Ling-Ling and Joy, who had just returned from their successful mission.

"Oh, girls, you're back. How did it go?". Rose excitedly asked.

"We did it. We got the coin". Joy had a proud grin on her face.

"Let's tell the boys and get away from here at once. We already lost too much time in this place". Astoria rushed the other girls.

Once they all got together, the tension between Hawk and Rose sharing the same room grew in a way everyone could feel, although none of them said a word about it. The sun was rising, which meant it was almost time to tell Peter their decision and go back to Regal Academy.

They didn't know, but while they talked, Peter was already awake and headed to the tree to grab the coin and finally hear Rose's answer about what she was going to do. He hoped with every beat of his heart that she would stay. Of course he wasn't proud of the way he demanded it from her, but he wanted her to choose him, and he knew she couldn't do it unless she was... persuaded.

Ever since he saw the look on her face while Hawk holded her hand outside the tree house, he knew there was something between them, but knowing this would certainly not get in his way, he had to at least try. If the only way to save their school was using that coin, then she would definitely choose to stay in order to save her loved one's lives.

But he was sure she could be happy there, once she forgave him for what he put her through. He would make anything right so she wouldn't want to leave. And so, he took the coin in his hands and held it close to his chest while he walked back home with a hopeful glow in his eyes.

By the time he arrived, everyone was gathered in the living room, waiting for him.

Well, I guess I'm not the only one looking forward to this. He thought.

He could feel a little tension rising once they saw him enter and his eyes immediately searched for Rose and their gazes met. She was looking at him too, but not in the way he had expected. He thought she would be a little more pissed, but the look in her eyes was almost... sad. She looked shaken, but not like a person who was being forced to do something against their will, but like someone who had just lost their purpose in doing anything at all about it. Her eyes were a little puffy, and he could tell she had been crying. Could it be such a horrible thing to consider a life there?

He started to feel a little anxious, doubt and regret rising while he questioned his methods in order to get what he wanted. He wasn't like Hook, he wasn't willing to pay whatever the price to have things as he pleased, and if the price was her happiness, then it was definitely not worth it. At this thought, he made his decision.

"So, how you doin', mateys?". Peter tried to lighten up the mood.

"We've been better". Answered Travis, rolling his eyes like Peter had just asked a forbidden question.

Peter didn't make a big deal out of the bitterness with which he was spoken to for at that moment there was only one thing that really mattered to him. He made his way to Rose, and watched as Hawk clenched his fists as if he was fighting the urge to step in between them.

"So, Rose, have you made your decision yet?". He asked.

"I-I... Yes, I-...". She sighed and breathed deeply, gathering all the courage she could.

"Peter, I feel really honored to be the one who holds your affections, but I can't in good conscience change my whole life in a day. Neverland is beautiful, and you don't know how many times I dreamed of meeting this place, but abandoning my family and my friends in the moment they need me the most is against everything I believe in...".

Right now Peter's expression was something between utterly shocked and completely confused. She was declining his demands, even though it would mean putting her mission at risk. It didn't make any sense.

"I have to go back with them and help find a way to save our school and our families." She continued and got a little closer, reaching for his hand. She cupped his hand and looked straight in his eyes as she finished what she had to say.

"I truly hope you won't stay mad at me for this, I like you, Peter, and I wish we could still be friends". When she finished, he no longer had a wide eyed expression, it had softened at her sincerity and sweetness. He was mesmerized by her baby blue eyes that gaze so intensively at his brown ones.

With his free hand, he brushed a lock of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. It made a light blush appear on her cheeks.

"How could I ever stay mad at you, Rose Cinderella?". He said, and a soft smile crossed his lips.

"So, you're not gonna try to lock me up or something, right?". Rose asked and giggled, relieved that he seemed just fine.

He chuckled and let go of her hands, searching for something.

"Here, you can have the coin. I'm sorry for the way I acted, I guess I just wasn't myself yesterday". He rubbed his neck in shame for his bad attitude.

Rose didn't know what to say. She always knew he was a good guy, and deep down, she felt he couldn't keep up with his bribery. A warm feeling covered her heart like a blanket, and she stepped on her tippy toes to place a light kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, Peter". She said and gave him a genuine smile.

His face flushed, a deep red covering his cheeks.

At the back of the room, Hawk's heart dropped at the scene, he stared wide eyed at the girl he loved kissing another boy. His chin fell open and he felt the air leaving his lungs, breathing was becoming a little difficult. Suddenly, he felt a weight on his shoulder and looked at it. It was Astoria's hand resting on him, her eyes were worried and, somehow, soothing.

She took a deep breath, nodding her head for him to accompany her, he copied her movements, calming his nerves to try and control his breathing again. Once his lungs seemed to recover their normal march, all that remained was the feeling someone had ripped his heart out and fed it to the giant crocodile.

Astoria couldn't understand. If he so desperately wanted to be with Rose, then why push her away?

"I'll need some answers". She said when he calmed down.

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