Chapter 4 - Pretty Inconvenient

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Hawk's pov

"See you later, Hawk". Rose said as she walked away to go look for Astoria.

Hawk was frustrated. He didn't want to let her go, he wanted to grab her hand and ask her to stay a little longer, but he just stood there as he watched her get away, not being able to find the courage to tell her what he really wanted anymore.

He sighed as he could not avoid feeling like a coward. All the battles fought, all the princesses saved, all the dragons rode and this was what made him chicken out.

"I'm a fraud" he thought to himself.

Suddenly a familiar voice broke him off his self-destructive thoughts. 

"Hey, Hawk! What's going on? You seem a little off". 

Travis said as he approached his friend.

Hawk hesitated a little before saying anything, but then he opened up to Travis in hopes he could give him some advice, although he doubted a little as Travis had his own romantic life problem that he couldn't solve.

"Well...", he began to say "It's just that I feel something changed in my relationship with Rose, and I really wanted to talk to her about it, but just as I began to say something the pompons interrupted me and I couldn't spell a single word when I tried to tell her again". 

He said a little bit shy for letting Travis acknowledge something so personal about him.

"Ok, first, we all know you like Rose since day one, it's no secret, so chill out a little. Secondly, I am so glad you admitted it, we were starting to think you were blind and would never realize you like her". 

Travis said with an excited tone.

Hawk could feel a blush staining his cheeks and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable by the fact that Travis was so comfortable with the idea of him linking Rose.

Suddenly, as his mind had just snapped, a thought came in.

"Wait... We? Who exactly are 'we'?". 

He looked behind him and saw Joy, Ling-Ling and Shawn standing right behind him.

"Oh, great. So, apparently everybody knew it". He said as the friends smiled at him.

"I..." He started, but was cut by the sudden appearance from the Sleeping Beauty family. 

The boys got all their attention into one specific member of the family.

Ambrosia looked gorgeous and the boys couldn't help but stare at her. She came right in their direction and just as she got to them, she asked Hawk for a dance. 

He didn't know why, but he immediately offered her his hand and led them to the dance floor.

Everyone gathered around to see them both dancing. Hawk was mesmerized by her beauty and could not take his eyes off her. 

He was enjoying the dance with the golden haired girl in front of him, although he was sure there was something important he had to do and he could not remember what it was.

He spun her around and just for a moment, his gaze got off her. It was just enough time for him to see a wide-eyed Rose standing a little distant from everyone else.

Her face looked like she was in shock and her watery eyes were sparkling from the reflected light in it.

His brain clicked and it was like a fog had uncovered his thoughts as he remembered what he was so uneasy about just a moment ago.

"Holy apples" he thought to himself as he watched Rose, once again, walk away from him. Except this time he felt like he had screwed up badly.

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