"That'll be great, thank you."

"Always, but don't forget, I'm still angry at you for not telling me that you leave early. I brought you lunch, show a bit of respect."

I can hear the sarcastic tone in her voice, but I go with it: "Okay, you won, what do you want?"

"Hmm, I want chocolate."

"Okay", I laugh, "Choclate it is."

"Wonderful, see ya in thirthy minutes, love you."

"Love you too.", I say and she hangs up.


As we arrive, the first thing I do, is getting out of these heels and the suit.
I go up to my dressing room, attached to my bedroom and pick out something way more comfortable.

After that I go into the kitchen and look out for chocolate, as I promised to Lizzie.

"Do you need anything, Miss Brody?"

I snap arround and see my butler Charlie standing at the end of the kitchen counter.

"God, you scared me."

"Sorry", he laughs, "I always forget, how easy it is to do so."

"Great", I awnser in a sarcastic tone, "Do you know where all the chocolate has gone?"

"As much as I remember, you and Lizzie ate all of it, when they ended your favourite show. And you said you wanted to buy new by yourself, to make sure it's the right one."

"Right, I remember, but Lizzie is coming over, and I said, we'll have chocolate. Can't you something about it?"

"I can go buy some, if you'd like so.", he says.

"Wonderful, do it. But hurry she's gonna be here in around twenty minutes."

Charlie smirks, as I start to panic a bit, just over some choolate.

"Alright, as you wish.", he leaves the kitchen as I go to my livingroom and start to make the couch ready for the film.

Shortly after Charlie brings me the chocolate, Lizzie comes into my livingroom with a completly full tote bag of snacks.
She got her own key, right after I moved into this house. Well it's actually more like a villa, with big rooms, amazing views over Washington and luxury entirior.

"How are you? You didn't sound happy at the phone."

"It's alright, I finally fired Mister Kodac.", I say with a happy expression

"Finally!", she sits down besides me with a bag of paprica flavoured chips, "He was such a dougebag."

"Yeah, it was about time.", I say while filling my mouth with chips.

"And what did he said? Was he angry? Sad? Did he turned into a green monster?"

I have to laugh

"No,no,no, that wasn't a joke, seriously, have you ever looked at him? He looks like a alien, trying to act like a human, but ends up acting like a goblin."

She also starts laughting and we end up curled into each other on the couch.

As we lay together, I think about the other thinks that happend today. And as she read my thoughts, she starts:

"That's not what you ment, when you said, you don't feel good, right?"

I nod, although she can't see it.

"I messed up, and now I don't know that to do."

"Look at you, the great Laura Brody messed up, how is that even possible?", she jokes, until she sees me clearly not going with her vibe.

"Oh god, what happened? Now I'm scared."

We sit up again and she takes me into her arms.

"Tell me about it."

I take a deep breath before I start: " I met Jacob for the first time, you know, my assistant."

She nods.

"And when I entered my office, I found him waiting there for me, but he acted like he desn't know who I am, and we ended up, almost kissing, and then he got angry at me, for almost kissing him and saying we coudn't do it, cause we're working together. And then ran ran off, after kissed."

"I thought you didn't."

"Well, we did, shortly before he left, and then I found his wallet with a picture of me inside of it."

"Danm, that's not what I expected", she says impressed, "And now you want me to help you to finish him, right?"


"Well, I woudn't go to him and tell him you have his wallet, let him come to you with it, and then ask him out. You're his boss, what does he wants to do about it? Use your power wisely."

"Wow, that's good. Actually I wasn't sure, it I should tell you about it, cause you know... he's my employee, and we kissed, and that's just weird."

"Of course it's good, it's my plan, what else have you expected?", wow, she can be really arrogant, but it's true, her ideas are good.

"Okay, now let's watch a movie, that's what I came here for, right?"

I have to smile, "Great idea"

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