Chapter 7: The Day After

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It was Saturday afternoon and I was still in his room. Naked. He forced me to stay over the whole weekend. I mean usually, I wouldn't mind but after everything that happened, I just wanted to sleep in my own bed. Alone. Without being entangled with someone's sweaty body. He had just left to get us some food and he told me I couldn't put my clothes on. Weird I know.

 We had woken up in the middle of the day and when he finally saw me in the light he was shocked. I know he was now realizing all the things he did to me the night before. I don't think he remembers him hitting me or even  telling me about his 'gang' and 'killing Darius' and I was definitely not going to bring it up. He looked at my face and frowned. He asked me to keep my clothes off and I was going to ask why but he looked so sad so I just complied. "I'm sorry Princess," he said while lightly touching all the bruises he gave me.

I felt the tears swell in my eyes. The apology I wasn't expecting but wanted. "I got something for you hol up," he said, then he left the room for like 10 minutes. What could he be getting that's taking him so long I wondered. Suddenly he came into the room with different types of creams and a wallet. He used one cream under my eye, the next one on my nose, and then a completely  different one on my body. What was the difference between these bottles that he couldn't use just one? The names on the bottle seem to be in Spanish so I couldn't even read what he was putting on my body.

Then he handed me the wallet and told me to open it. Inside was a stack of money. "What's this?" I asked just shocked by how much money I was holding right now. "It's for you princess, when you're with me you don't gotta worry about buying anything this is just when you aren't with me and need some cash, if that's not enough just ask me for more and I gotchu," he said while placing the creams on his dresser.

"Oh, it's okay I don't need this much money," I replied while trying to hand the wallet back to him. I could barely process the words that were leaving his mouth. How does he have so much money that he is just handing me stacks like it's nothing?

"Princess when I give you something you just take it and say thank you, you belong to me now so anything you want I gotchu just gotta ask me," he said cockily while going through his closet for clothes. Is this the money he made from 'handling business'? I don't want to be caught up in anything in the future. "Thank you." I didn't feel like starting any arguments so I just placed the wallet on top of my clothes that I had folded up on his couch.

"I'ma go grab us some food, the remote is right there, roll us some blunts while I'm gone," He said, and when I looked up he was already fully dressed and putting his shoes on. He had on another all-black shirt and dark blue jeans. He also was wearing a grey sweater that might be just a little bit too small but maybe that was the point so it could show his muscular arms through the sweater. He was putting on Tims even though it was April.

I can't really talk about his fashion sense because I go everywhere in my Pajamas and Crocs. Even with a full face of makeup, I'm still going to wear pajamas. I just like being comfy I'm sorry.

My emotions were all over the place right now. I was recalling everything that happened last night. I felt like maybe it was just the alcohol that had him so pumped up, maybe he didn't even mean to hurt me like that. I could tell he felt bad by the way he was gently rubbing the different creams all over me. I guess he must really like me. That must be why he got so mad hearing that I kissed Darius. Also, you wouldn't give stacks of money to someone you don't like right?

I put on some music from his tv while I rolled a couple of blunts on his bed. I didn't feel comfortable being completely naked while he was gone so I put on one of his tank tops. It was basically a dress on me, but it was white so you could see my nipples though it but I still felt better than being straight naked. I finished rolling pretty quickly and decided to smoke one blunt by myself.

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