Chapter 5: The Kiss

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We were all sitting at the dining room table at Steve's house with Steve and his friend on one end and Darius and I on the other end. I had sat down first thinking Steve was going to sit next to me but I guess Darius didn't get the memo. I mean it wasn't a big deal to me because we were all right here so what could happen just from him sitting next to me?

I decided to watch some Youtube on my phone while we were eating. They were still talking in their language to each other and I wasn't going to just sit there and stare at them like some fan girl. I was in my own world while watching my favorite YouTuber do a makeup tutorial while talking about her worst sneaky link. When I heard someone calling my name, at first it sounded like it was in my head but I quickly realized it wasn't when I recognized it was Steve's voice.

"Katrina what are you so busy doing over there that you couldn't even hear me?" He asked and it sounded like he was joking but the glare in his eyes was telling me otherwise. "I'm sorry I was just watching Youtube.. is it too loud? I could turn it down." I replied trying to act naturally like he didn't have my hands shaking with just his stare.

"Nah shorty, we just wanna talk to you but you acting like you don't fuck with us like you mad Hollywood right now (This is a phrase we use where I'm from it's like saying 'you acting like you too cool to talk to us'.)" Darius replied with a goofy ass smile on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at the way he was acting. " Sorry, I just don't speak Creole so I was trying to mind my business I guess I got lost in my own world". I smiled while staring into his eyes, for some reason I didn't feel as intimidated looking at him versus when I am talking to Steve.

"How bout I teach you some Creole later?" He said, and it sounded like he was flirting with me the way he made his voice a little smoother. I didn't mind spending time with him because he actually made me feel a lot more comfortable than I was earlier. "Sure," I replied. I got lost in the moment and completely forgot that Steve was right there. When I turned I saw him staring at us with a neutral expression but again I saw a twitch of anger rising in his eyes. I knew I had just made a mistake.

He said something to Darius in their language but I heard him say bitch. I figured he was telling Darius that I was his bitch so any plans we had or were going to have was over right then and there. Darius just laughed and kept eating his food. I went back to my video but turned it down so I could hear better if Steve decided to call my name again.

After while, I decided to save the rest of my food for later so I closed it and placed it back in the plastic bag. "You finish?" Steve had questioned me out of the blue causing me to flinch because I didn't realize he was staring at me during that whole process. "I-I was just going to save the rest for later if that's okay.." I replied. I was still trying to be cautious of the way I spoke to him. Even though his friends were here I didn't know if they would even help me if he tried to hit me again.

"Yeah you're good, You can go to the room if you want I'm bouta take them home." When he said that I looked at the time and it was already 10 pm. Where had the time gone? I thought about asking if he would take me home but he was clearly telling me not to even mention it because he said to go to his room instead letting me go in the car with them. "She not coming in the car wit us?" Darius asked while giving me a sorta sad look like he expected me to ride with them. I smiled at him causing him to instantly smile back at me, he was like a cute little golden retriever. I loved his energy.

"Nah, come on," Steve replied while standing up. He had this weird look on his face, I couldn't tell if he was smiling because he was happy or smiling because he was going to beat the shit out of me any second now. I also stood up to make my way to his room, I brought the food with me because I didn't want any of his roommates to throw it away or eat it. There were two floors plus their basement in his house. His, Xavier, and a third boy which I only saw once had their rooms on the first floor. So I didn't know how many people actually lived there. 

Tragic True LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora