Chapter 1: The Night We Met

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Please take note of the warning above before proceeding. The themes in this book may be disturbing to some and I will not be adding further trigger warnings so please be warned.
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As I was walking through the mall with my friend this super tall guy started approaching us. When I say tall I mean foreign basketball player tall, I am 5'8 while most of my friends range from 5'3 to 5'5 so I always feel like the tallest person on earth but this guy just popped out of nowhere and took me out of that delusion instantly. I had to look my head all the way up to just see his face which sorta scared me if I was being honest. He smelled like weed and cologne which happened to be my favorite scent. Yet I was too caught off guard by his huge eyes piercing through me like he could see all the sins I've ever committed.

He had super long dreads down to his chest that was black on the top but brown at the ends, did I also mention that I loved boys with dreads I just found them super attractive. He towered both my friend and me as he got closer and closer. When he stopped he was right in front of me so that I could practically feel his breath on me as he spoke down to us. I was a little bit intimidated not only because he was taller than us but also because I had horrible social anxiety so I instantly took a step back. With my friends I was as untamed, I loved getting drunk and smoking weed. I felt so free from the shackles of my anxiety and insecurities. But sober me was as quiet as a mouse and all I do is laugh especially when I'm uncomfortable I try to laugh my awkwardness away and most of the time it worked although sometimes people picked on me and called me psycho and said I laughed too much.

Right now I was sober so I was trying my hardest not to shake and seem like some little girl missing her mom especially since I was taller than my friend so if anything I felt I had to be the one to protect us though she was way more confident and fiercer than me sober or not.

"Hey, you got a light I can use?" He asked, interrupting me out of my spiral thoughts of 'what ifs'.

I did have a lighter but me and my friend were on our way to the mall basement to smoke so we kinda needed it but I didn't want to say no and seem rude so I was thinking of lying and saying no when my friend caught me by surprise.

"We are on our way to smoke so we need our lighter sorry" She had told him the truth, like I said she was way more confident than me I bet she didn't overanalyze her answer like my crazy self did.

"Oh, what ya'll smoking on?" he asked still looking at me even though she was the one who answered him. By this time I was barely managing to maintain this intense staring contest it felt like he was having with me. He blinked very slowly every 20 seconds like he was already out of it. Why does he want to know what drugs we are doing? He needa leave the drugs alone because it looked like they were beating him up.

"Why?" I caught myself off guard sounding way ruder than I intended. He just laughed at me like I had told him the funniest joke he ever heard. Yeah, he definitely needed to leave those drugs alone I thought to myself. "I got a couple blunts in my pocket if your tryna spark up with me ?" He asked me. This isn't really something new to me and my friend.

She is always taking me on adventures just the two of us where we go drinking and smoking with random boys we meet at the mall. They are usually attracted to her and I just end up with the one she doesn't want, I know I am not even as close to be as pretty as her. I am basically a real-life DUFF (designated, Ugly Fat Friend). I am not saying she is a bad friend because even though sometimes the boys that like her usually insult me and make me the bud of the jokes, she always sticks up for me one way or another. Only when she really likes the boy she just sits quietly but that doesn't really bother me because I'm used to it.

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