~35~ The Calm before

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Kate's POV:

Ankara, Turkey 07/08/2009

The motor stopped as she turned the key. With the last bit of strength, she managed to swing her leg over the seat, acting as she leaned onto the fragile shoulder. She shoved the key into her pocket and pulled another from her backpack as she snuck towards the door. Listening carefully, she decided that there was no suspicious noise to be heard. She slid the key into the lock and turned it around carefully. A feeling befell her, and her stomach grumbled in agreement. She spied around the door, but the somewhat spacious living room was empty. Nevertheless, she kept her hand on the holster on her side. Tapping the door to open it she snuck inside the cold room, pulled out the gun, and walked past the kitchen island towards the bedroom. She pushed the door open slowly and entered, turning around aiming at the empty bed, then turning around yet again entering the bathroom. No one was around. Nothing had changed and yet the feeling didn't subside. Exhausted and annoyed she threw her bag on the couch and plopped onto it as well. Goosebumps erupted on her skin from the wet shirt still sticking to her body. The clock was ticking loudly, and her foot tapped the floor every other tick as she was nervously waiting for the door to open. It had been about an hour since they had reported Daria's whereabouts. Was it too early to expect results? Maybe. Probably. But she couldn't wait any longer. Besides her aching body, she got up and walked over to the kitchen, where she kneeled down in front of the bottom cabinets. She opened the second lowest drawer, took out all the empty lunch boxes stored inside, then pulled a knife from the back of her belt and rammed it into the corner. Pushing the knife against the back of the drawer she levered the white board out of its place revealing a black briefcase, which she pulled out and placed on the kitchen counter. She entered the code and opened it up, revealing a built-in computer and a satellite phone. Nervously she tapped her fingers before grabbing the phone and dialing.

"1899963, requesting status.", Kate stated after the ringing stopped. She waited impatiently, while her stomach turned inside out.

"Badge Number confirmed. The subject has been secured." A tear rolled down her cheek as she listened to the good news. The little girl was going to be okay. She had expected her stomach to stop cramping, since everything she had done, every boundary she had crossed, had resulted in lives being saved, a family getting a new life, and a child being rescued but it didn't. The feeling of something being very wrong stayed.

"Thank you.", she answered after realizing she hadn't reacted yet. She was about to turn the phone off when the voice began to speak again.

"Foxtrot is requesting to speak to you.", the agent on the other end declared and Kate stopped herself.

"Put me through.", she answered while her index finger still tapped the marble.

"Rapunzel, how are you doing? Congratulations on your successful mission.", the familiar voice cracked through the speaker, relaxed as always, addressing her with her alias.

"Good, sir. Thank you", Kathrine answered unphased by the idea of lying about her actual state of mind.

"What about the Black Widow?" Director Fury asked not assuming that she was still missing. Finally, Kate understood why she felt like throwing up all this time. "She hasn't returned.", she stated comforting her stomach by placing the palm of her hand on it before continuing to speak, "I will circle back and find her."

"You will do no such thing.", he replied. If they had captured the spy their secrets would still be safe with her. He didn't have that kind of confidence in the younger agent's abilities.

"I have to, sir. She is my partner.", Kate opposed, not ready to give in yet. There was still hope for Natasha if she could go out there and find her.

"What you have to do, is follow your orders! And I order you to stay where you are.", he said harshly through the phone, clearly losing his cool.

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