~6~ Spark in the night

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains drugs, violence and more(added when appearing for less spoilers)

Kate's POV:

Karlsruhe, Germany 11/21/2004

The hallway is long, windowless and packed with students. The school bell just stopped ringing and all the students are swarming out of the classrooms into the hallway, looking for their friends, heading for the cafeteria, or just trying to get by without any trouble.
I am one of the latter. I squeeze by some of my classmates but have to slow down when all the other students are about as fast as an old couple at the park. 'Fucking idiots.'

A finger taps my shoulder and I turn.

"Hey, wie geht's dir?" ("Hey, how are you?"). It's one of the older students. Tall, well dressed, polite and very smart. A common customer of mine. He wants to be a doctor but seems to have a hard time at home.

"Lassen wir die Höflichkeiten. Was brauchst du?" ("Let's skip the pleasantries. What do you need?"). I like him and don't like to see how he needs drugs to fulfill his dreams. If I could I wouldn't sell him but it's not up to me.

"Äh, okay...Das Übliche bei den Mülltonnen?" ("Oh, okay...The usual by the dumpsters?")

"Okay. 10min." With that, I turn and leave.

I walk through the front doors. A few people pass me without noticing that I'm there. That's how it's been for the last few months.
I'm a ghost story. They know what I offer and who buys but they never notice me.

I wait sitting around on a ping pong table writing some lines on my notepad. I decide that they're terrible and don't deserve more of my time. I check her watch.

It's one of the things she left me. My mother actually left me a lot of things that I don't have a use for. All the stuff from our house is in some storage unit I'm old enough to need it. But this one - this one I'll carry on me until it breaks indefinitely.

Ten minutes are almost over so, I hop off the ping pong table and stroll over to the dumpsters. He appears from behind one of them and looks at me with shy eyes. No matter how many times we do this, he's still scared.

"Hast du das Geld?" ("Do you have the money?") I don't sell if they don't have the cash. That's the one thing I can do to protect them from my bosses.

"Jep." He fumbles around in his pocket and pulled out fifty euros.

I pull it from his hands and give him one zip bag of Ritalin but he doesn't move away.

"Is noch was?" ("Anything else?")

"Ne. Ja. Ich weiß nicht." ("No. Yes. I don't know.")


"Das ist jetzt vielleicht bisschen komisch und du musst auch gar nicht... Willst du dich mal treffen?" ("This might b a little weird and you don't have to... but would you like to meet some time?")

"Fragst du mich, ob ich mit dir auf ein Date gehen will?" ("Are you asking me out?")

"Irgendwie schon." ("Kind of.")

I got a fowl feeling. My stomach is telling me that this is not what I want, yet I still want him to take me out. I've been feeling so lonely lately. He might be my chance for something normal.

"Dann, ja. Können wir gerne machen." ("Then yes. I'd like that.")

"Cool, cool. Ähm, kannst du vielleicht morgen nach der Schule?" ("Cool, coll. Ehm, what about tomorrow after school?")

"Ja sollte gehen. Wir sehen uns." ("That should work. See you."), I say and start walking.

"Du hast mir nicht mal gesagt was du machen willst." ("You didn't even tell me what you want to do, yet."), he called after me.

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