Feild trip

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(I am sorry for any mistakes. PLEASE let me know if you see any.)

Charlie had decided to take y/n to a diner for dinner. Y/ns guess was that it was easier for him instead of cooking. A woman came and put y/ns order on the table smiling at her, yon looked at her name tag and it read 'Cora' "I can't get over how grown up you are, and so gorgeous. You look much different though" she said. "Well I was about 2 last time I was here" y/n replied bashfully. Then a bearded man came up behind Cora and said " hey y/n 'member me? I played Santa one year.". Y/n again looked at Charlie with a small smile on her face " Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was 2 I highly doubt shell remember" Charlie said, saving y/n from having to answer herself. "Bet I made an impression though." Waylon said smiling. "You always do" Charlie replied picking through his fries. "Let the girl eat her garden burger, Waylon" Cora spoke up ushering the man away. "When your done ill bring you some berry cobbler, it was Bella's favorite, I'm sure you'll love it too" she said. Y/n nodded and plastered a tight lipped smile on her face "that would be great, thank you" she said and the curly haired woman walked away. Y/n and Charlie both reached for the ketchup and pulled their hands away, Charlie reached for it again and gave it to y/n who smiled muttering a 'thanks'. They both finished their dinner in a comfortable silence and headed home where y/n had zoned out while painting thinking about her golden eyed classmate.

She wondered why he had been so un-welcoming towards her, as the interaction played over and over again in her head like a movie clip. It felt like the more the clip played the more intense his stare became. Almost like he himself was there in person watching her. Y/ns breathing sped up and she snapped out for  her daydream and looked away from the painting she had been staring at and peered out of the window she was seated in front of. She looked around and saw nothing, she shook it off as herself being paranoid. She let out a breath and looked back to her painting, only to be shocked when she painted herself, but not herself. She looked as if she had gotten a makeover from the Cullen family. The golden eyes, perfect features. Even her hair looked shiny and healthy. She looked around at the painting and saw how Edward was standing beside her and the rest of the Cullen and two others she hadn't seen before were all standing behind her. The two she had guessed were their parents. She stared at the painting in confusion, before taking it off of the stand and putting it in her closet away from any unknown preying eyes. She felt weird having just met them that day and suddenly she starts painting herself looking like one of them.


The next day y/n had decided that she was going to confront the boy after she had felt his eyes even in her sleep. She looked for him subtly but everywhere and no sign of him, even at lunch all of his siblings sat gracefully at their table but his seat was empty. And it remained that way for the whole week.

When Monday came around y/n had set herself a schedule, she had gotten used to the rainy Weather, actually she had taken a liking to it. But that didn't stop her from being clumsy, she walked down the stairs connected to the porch as she was doing so Charlie pulled into the driveway in her car. When she got to the sidewalk she took two steps and slipped, she let out a groan at the impact as Charlie rushed out to help her back to her feet. "You okay y/n?" He asked. "Yeah ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated" she replied. " That's why I got you new tires." Charlie said, mentioning to the tires on her car "the old ones were getting pretty bald". Y/n smiled "you didn't have too, I could have paid for them. Plus I think the truck is really growing on me" she said. Charlie shook his head "no, no, your still a kid. You shouldn't carry those responsibilities on your shoulders when you've got some parental figure back" he said. Y/n smiled and thanked the man telling him she was going to head off to school. "I'll be late for dinner. I'm heading down to Mason County.  A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal.." he said. Y/n frowned "an animal?" She repeated. "This kind of thing happens all the time. I mean we're literally surrounded by nature.  Anyway I figured I'd lend a hand" He said easing her worry. "Well, be careful" she said. "Always am" he replied. "Thanks for the tires" she thanked again. He nodded, and at that both got in their cars and started their journey to their destination. Y/n arrived at school and immediately Eric was at her side, as she made her way to class. Y/n hadn't really been listening to his conversation, just humming every once in a while. Until she finally zoned back in. "Hey, listen, I was wondering did you have a date to pr-" he said but was interrupted by mike who had just walked in the classroom all smiles "what's up y/n, how you liking the rain girl" he said shaking his wet hat over her head. She grimaced, but was happy he interrupted, as she didn't have the heart to tell Eric she wasn't going to prom. She let the two banter as she began make her way to her seat, when she saw that Edward was finally here. As if sensing her eyes, he looked up and met her eyes. A lot less tense than last time she had seen him.

All the wrong things  E.C. x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora